About thirty teachers rallied around a protest picnic on the forecourt of the prefecture, in Melun, Wednesday, June 2 (©SM/RSM77)
“The health crisis has highlighted, for those who still doubted it, the crying lack of means in our department”, underlines Thierry grignon Departmental co-secretary of state on the occasion of a protest picnic organized with the Federation of Parents’ Councils 77 (FCPE), la FSU 77, the CGT’Educ and South Education Wednesday June 2 at Melun in front of the prefecture.
This picnic was able to count on the mobilization of about thirty teachers from all over the world. Seine et Marne.
Their demands: no class without a teacher at the start of the school year, on the one hand, recruitment and tenure of teachers but also the staff who work with them, on the other hand.
Students’ interests come first
“We would like there to be more teachers and more resources to be able to teach in good conditions,” explains Anais Vimenet teacher at Politzer College in Dammarie-les-Lys and activist at Snes.
Concretely, that there are fewer students per class, that we are not obliged, when we receive our annual envelopes, to choose for which subject we are going to do half-groups and for which subject we will not be able to . We would also like to be able to do homework help and personalized help without having to count a penny. “
“We, what we want is to have more teachers not to have more teachers, but to help students in great difficulty so as not to fall into a situation where youth is sacrificed, complete Thierry grignon. This problem of under-staffing existed previously but it was really brought to light by this health crisis.
The government has insisted strongly on the need to leave schools open, since the end of the first lockdown, something we shared. We could have disagreements about the risks involved, but we did not want to put the students in difficulty, especially because of the distance. However, we need to benefit from a larger investment plan in education.
We thought that a multi-year recruitment plan would be decided by our government. Obviously not. So, if we are meeting today in front of the prefecture, it is because it symbolizes the State in Seine et Marne, and that we want them to understand the need to have a real priority given to school, ”he concludes.
In response to this picnic, the academic inspectorate considers that it is not their responsibility. “We do not have control over the budget, only the State can release more resources. “
Shanon Martinez