Home » today » News » Seine-et-Marne: for parents of students, it is up to middle and high schools to provide the masks

Seine-et-Marne: for parents of students, it is up to middle and high schools to provide the masks

From the start of the school year, middle and high school students will have to slip a mask in their backpack. The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced Thursday the obligation to wear a mask in the classes for over 11 years. It is up to families to provide it by their own means.

A financial burden for families denounced by the Federation of parents’ councils of Seine-et-Marne (FCPE 77), in a press release published on Friday. “The masks are made compulsory by the minister’s decision, so it’s up to schools to provide them,” said Philippe Minetto, its president.

It should be noted that National Education only partially finances schools. Their budget is also provided by the Department, for colleges, and by the Region, for high schools).

Contrary to what Jean-Michel Blanquer said yesterday, Philippe Minetto believes that it is not a “supply like any other”. He insists: “It is not a kit, it is not a pen: it is a measure of public health”.

“Why masks in June and not in September? “

FCPE 77 also denounces the discrepancy between the measures taken by the rectorate of the academy of Créteil during the deconfinement last June and those which will be applied at the start of the school year.

“On June 4, the rector confirmed to us that all middle school and high school students in Seine-et-Marne would have two washable masks at their disposal,” said Philippe Minetto. Masks had been delivered to establishments for this purpose.

However, not all of the students returned to class as early as June. According to FCPE 77, only some of the students would therefore have benefited from the measure. “Institutions have delayed the distribution of masks and kept them for September. What will become of these masks? “Asks Philippe Minetto.

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