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Seine et Marne. A helicopter-borne biker in Pontault-Combault

This Wednesday, May 20, a 57-year-old biker was helicoptered after losing control of his vehicle on the D604 near Pontault-Combault.

Published on May 21, 20 at 11:02

A biker was injured in an accident in Pontault-Combault this Friday, May 20 (© Illustration / Adobe Stock))

For some reason still unknown, he lost control of his motorcycle. This Wednesday, May 20, at the start of the evening, around 8:30 p.m., the police and rescue were called on the RD604 up to Pontault-Combault.

On site, a biker 57-year-old was on the ground after losing control of his motorcycle. Only person involved in the accident, the latter must have been helicopter in emergency towards Creteil where he was picked up atHenri-Mondor hospital.

An investigation was opened to determine the causes of his accident.

On the same day, another motorcyclist and his passenger were also helicoptered after having refused priority close to Treuzy-Levelay.

Read also: South Seine-et-Marne. Refusal of priority: a biker and his helicopter-borne passenger

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