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Ségur de la santé: a new, very targeted revaluation… while waiting for better for all the forgotten

Many subjects animated the debates in the National Assembly, within the framework of the examination of the amending finance bill (PLFR) for 2022, adopted at first reading on the night of July 26 to 27. Beyond the level of the next increase in basic retirement pensions, the deputies also had lively exchanges concerning the (many) forgotten revaluations of the Ségur de la santé. As a reminder, since 2020, several waves of salary increases, of 183 euros net per month, have been granted to health professionals thanks to the Ségur agreements. More recently, these upgrades have been extended to certain social workers working in the public service and in the private non-profit sector.

But “there are still huge holes in the racket. There are still professionals in social and medico-social support, in child protection, in integration, in disability, who have not been concerned”, lamented PS deputy Jérôme Guedj, during the examination of several amendments to the PLFR 2022 aimed at extending the revaluations of the Ségur to the last excluded. Only one of these amendments, supported in particular by Marina Ferrari, MoDem MP for Savoie, was adopted on the night of Monday 25 to Tuesday 26 July. And this text caused incomprehension and disappointment on all the benches of the opposition.


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A target and an investment revised downwards

It must be said that the amendment plans to release an envelope of only 3 million euros, with the aim of extending the revaluation of 183 euros net per month from the Ségur de la santé to home helpers coming under the ADMR associative network (help at home in rural areas) and who have not yet benefited from this increase. Or “about 1,000 employees” of a “ten nursing homes” and nearly “500 employees” of “fifty SSIAD (home nursing services, editor’s note)”, as detailed by Marina Ferrari in the hemicycle.

The problem is that originally, during the examination of the PLFR 2022 in the finance committee, from July 12, another amendment, carried by the same deputy but with a clearly different target, had been adopted. This provided for an investment of 100 million euros to revalue “the almost 100,000 employees of the ADMR network (who) do not seem to be covered […] by the revaluation of the medico-social professions”, could we read in the explanatory memorandum. But the device planned here is in fact “oversized” and “poorly calibrated” in number of beneficiaries, and therefore in amount, explained Perrine Goulet, MoDem deputy for Nièvre and co-author of the two amendments at the heart of the debates. Indeed, only a few home helpers within the ADMR network, and not all of them, have not yet been able to benefit from the Ségur upgrades, according to MoDem deputies.

Again presented in public session, this amendment providing for an investment of 100 million euros was rejected, at the request of its authors, in favor of the other fallback text, releasing a smaller envelope. A difference in caliber which, if it seems justified, “surprises” all the same, as Véronique Louwagie, deputy Les Républicains, pointed out during the debates.


How the Ségur de la santé can deteriorate working conditions in nursing homes

The case of the last forgotten examined in the fall

Beyond this methodological hiccup, the adoption of the amendment aimed at releasing an amount of only 3 million euros for nearly 1,500 home helpers, at the expense of the one providing for an investment of 100 million euros, disappointed many Members. Indeed, this last envelope would have made it possible to extend to other excluded from the Ségur de la santé the revaluation of 183 euros net per month. “ADMR is a specific association. […] To be certain that decrees are taken soon, vote for this amendment calling for 100 million euros, which will allow us to largely sweep away the problem of the forgotten”, pleaded (in vain) Jérôme Guedj.

The government, through the voice of the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, has however undertaken before the deputies to discuss again the situation of the forgotten of the Ségur de la santé within the framework of the bill for the financing of the Social security for 2023, which will be examined in the autumn by Parliament. The last excluded from Ségur will therefore still have to wait before, perhaps, finally receiving 183 euros net more each month on their payslip.


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And impatience grows in their ranks. “This new upgrade for ADMR home helpers is good news. But we knit with categorical measures which, in fact, do not benefit everyone”, regrets to Capital Julien Jourdan, general manager of Fédésap, an employers’ federation which represents establishments of services to the person falling under the associative sectors and private. In the sole field of home help, for example, employees of private companies have never benefited from the revaluations of the Ségur de la santé. “We are beginning to be outraged by these differences in treatment. We are facing a real loss of meaning on the part of our employees”, warns Julien Jourdan.

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