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Seer Gets Upset – But Apex Legends Players Don’t Think It’s Enough

A new character is introduced in the online game, it is very powerful in the hands of players and therefore they are rebalanced. This is the default cycle in many games, including Apex Legends, and we saw it happen with Seer earlier this month. Now Ser is getting his expected drop – but players feel it doesn’t go far enough.

Today’s Apex Legends patch reduces Seer’s passive target detection range and forces you to wait a little longer when using it. His last time now takes 120 seconds to cool down, instead of 90. His tactical ability lasts a little longer and he won’t deal damage or defeat enemies trapped inside him.

But the tactical approach still interrupts players in the middle of a recovery or using a skill, and it still takes eight seconds. These are the main complaints players have about this undermining, but you can read the full scope of those complaints for yourself on Reddit. On the Respawn side, the developers acknowledge that Seer needs more work.

“Many of you may be disappointed that we didn’t touch the gaps or cut the detection time down to eight seconds,” said Live Balance designer Josh Larson. Twitter. “This is the starting point. Regardless of what the data tells us, if internal and external feedback is any indication, I imagine one of those results needs follow-up work.”

We may not need to tweak the Apex Legends tier list just yet, but Larson acknowledges that developers “missed the mark” with Seer’s power at launch, and you should expect more changes along the way.

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