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seek support from lawyers

He claimed Fabrizio Piscitelli to have also spoken to Angelo Staniscia about it. The dominus of the law firm where Lucia Gargano, which ended on Friday at home with the charge of external competition in a mafia association, had grown professionally to establish extra-mandate relationships with the most important customers, from Spada to Casamonica at the same Diabolik, according to the Lazio ultrà would have been interested in mediation between the clans. So says Piscitelli in the interceptions. Angelo Staniscia, in the words of Diabolik, would have been urged to speak with Ottavio Spada to convince him that a truce, in the war that broke out in Ostia between his clan, weakened by the arrests, and the emerging one of Marco Esposito, would have been useful to all. “The madman”, so Piscitelli calls the lawyer and in the same way indicates Lucia Gargano in the interceptions. There is, however, no evidence that Staniscia followed up on that invitation. But the order that brought the lawyer to house arrest seems to be a fragment of a much broader investigation: pieces are missing in the disputes, starting with the telephone that Gargano delivers to a client under house arrest, who then manages to put herself in this way. contact with criminal circles.

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READ ALSO -> Diabolik, the “French” was a spy: so Piscitelli discovered it
Diabolik, who is the arrested lawyer: Lucia Gargano, between selfies and visits to the detained bosses

On 13 December 2017, at the Oliveto restaurant in Grottaferrata, at the meeting organized to talk about a load of drugs and peace between the clans, Lucia Gargano was expected. “The lawyer? Is it still to come? »Asks Piscitelli. Shortly thereafter, the young woman joins the other diners. Salvatore Casamonica, Diabolik, the “French”, who turns out to be an undercover agent of Finance, and Dori Petoku, leader of the group of Albanians who have invested in drug trafficking on the coast, sit at the table. Diabolik introduces Gargano to those present: “He is our trusted lawyer.” Gargano ‘s mission is to go to prison and ask for the placet of Ottavio Spada to sign the truce. The financiers note: “Piscitelli said he had already communicated” to the madman “that this thing here in Ostia is” important “and that he (Piscitelli) and Salvatore (Casamonica) were exposing themselves”. The lawyer nods and Diabolik goes back to talking about Staniscia: “The madman was talking to Ottavio because this Ottavio who is in the middle of us, if you want we can do anything and make peace … but it must be peace”.

“I’m going to stop mine too DiabolikHe commented Lucia Gargano in November 2018. Barboncino had just ended up in prison and the fact that Piscitelli, believed to be responsible for a 40 thousand euro drug supply, had not been arrested, made her understand that the investigation should be wider. The Gico soldiers note: “Lucia Gargano reported to Piscitelli that she had procured the entire information with the” integral interceptions “and that there was” something more “, but” the most important sentences were those, “he said. At the request of Piscitelli, however, he would have reread everything to better check the content ».

It is November 2018, when Lucia Gargano, reads the ordinance, “went out of her way to personally deliver a phone to Alessio Lori, undergoing house arrest at the Don Guerrino Rota solidarity center in Spoleto, meeting him outside the community and receiving documentation to be delivered to third parties , including Mimoza Zogu, sister of Arben Zogu ».

The lawyer, the magistrate still notes, “has also made the telephone top-ups requested by Lori who in the following weeks has thus managed to maintain relationships with subjects inserted in criminal contexts, in particular, through her sister Mimoza, with Arben Zogu” . Uncontested facts to the lawyer that lead us to think that the investigation by prosecutors Ilaria Calò, Giovanni Musarò and Mario Palazzi will soon have new developments.


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