Home » today » News » See the “Mysterious Umbrella Lights” at Beijie Exit! Experts exposed the use of online praise: I want to put a room | The villagers burst into the news | Oops

See the “Mysterious Umbrella Lights” at Beijie Exit! Experts exposed the use of online praise: I want to put a room | The villagers burst into the news | Oops

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Some netizens found an umbrella sign light at Exit 1 of MRT 101/Shimao Station. The picture is taken from “On the Road Observation College…

Taipei MRT is a means of transportation for many commuters. Some netizens found an umbrella sign indicator light in front of the escalator at Exit 1 of MRT 101/Shimao Station, which can let tourists know whether the weather outside the station is raining. After the article was exposed, many people praised “It’s the first time I know such a thoughtful reminder!”

A netizen in the Facebook group“School of Observation on the Road”Posted a post and wrote “There is a rain indicator light at Exit 1 of MRT Taipei 101/World Trade Center Station”. From the photo, you can see a black light sign with an umbrella symbol. The original Po said that “the light indicates that it is raining outside No light means it’s not raining.”

Immediately after the article came out, some netizens commented, “It’s very caring, it can avoid the traffic jam at the escalator above!”, “Wow, this is awesome”, “I’m really curious about the weather outside when I take the MRT”, “It wasn’t a long time ago There are, and there are several places! The purpose is to avoid crowding under the eaves of the ground exit before taking umbrellas, so that everyone can get ready to hold them when they are underground. Because they are crowded at the exit and people keep coming up, fear of pushing Squeezed and fell down the stairs”, “I have seen it but I didn’t know it was used for hemp”, “Many store parking lots also have LED notices whether it is raining outdoors, and remind passers-by to drive carefully, especially some department stores seem to have music Broadcasting, let the service staff know the weather conditions to remind customers.”

Some people also said, “Full University Station puts a notice board next to the escalator. It is a selfish suggestion to remind the size of the rain. It is super considerate no matter what.” “Ximen Station Exit 6 is also available.” Stuffed at the entrance of the station”, “This is something you don’t need in Keelung”, “Kaohsiung should be lit up less than a few times a year”, “I hope I can have this in my room.” However, there are also people who think, “I think this can be entered into a small waste club. I walked to the exit of the MRT. If I don’t have an umbrella, I don’t have an umbrella.”

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