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See the first spectacular image photographed by the James Webb Space Telescope – News

The James Webb Space Telescope completed another step of its process and sent the first focused image, after its mirrors had almost fully aligned. The photo above is of the star 2MASS J17554042+6551277, considered common by astronomers, but great for test shots, like this one taken by the device.

A sharp photo mark the start of photography work on the powerful R$ 50 billion (US$ 10 billion) telescope and, according to NASA, is an indication that it will meet the high expectations placed on it.

O telescope main mirror it is actually made up of 18 segments, which must be correctly aligned to work together and capture images of distant locations in the Universe. That’s what just happened, although some minor planned adjustments still need to be made.

In January, the work to unfold these “pieces” for all to act as a single mirror has been completed. The following month, NASA mapped the functioning of each of them, to make them work together, which brings us to the current stage: this beautiful photo taken, which is why the telescope draws so much attention.

“So far, we’re finding that the performance is as good as or better than our most optimistic projections,” Lee Feinberg, the telescope’s optical elements manager, said during a Tuesday press conference.

The next process involves atomically accurately aligning the infrared camera and two other calibration devices to make the telescope actually capture images as expected. According to NASA, the process should be completed by the beginning of May, and will be followed by the preparation of the various scientific instruments.

The first high-resolution images with scientific data are expected by the end of the year.

To get an idea of ​​the optical evolution of James Webbyou can see the image below — the first one he took, in February, just to confirm that the cameras were operational.

NASA technicians point out that, so far, they have had no technical problems with the telescope.

scientific challenge

The Webb, the most powerful space telescope ever built and Hubble’s successortook off from French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket on December 25 and headed for its orbital point, 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.

Its infrared technology allows it to see the first stars and galaxies that formed 13.5 billion years ago, giving astronomers a new perspective on the Universe’s first epoch.

The telescope’s mission includes studying distant planets to determine their origin, evolution and habitability.

Remember below the astronomy advances of 2021!

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