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See the evolution of the CS:GO main menu over more than a decade | DRAFT5

In these nearly ten years of Counter-Strike: Global Offensivethe game had four main menu models, gradually evolving from the Alphain 2011, until the most updated version brought by Panorama UIstill in 2018.

Veterans certainly remember the classic menu used during the Alpha of the game, still in 2011, which had very few options and was quite different from what you see today.

The main menu of the Alpha version in 2011 | Photo: Playback/CS:GO

I’m on Beta and in the FPS release version of Valvealthough the character used in the background of the main menu was practically the same, the colors have changed, as well as the selection frame of the options.

The main menu used in the Beta version and in the game's launch, in 2012 Photo: Reproduction/CS:GOThe main menu used in the Beta version and in the game’s launch, in 2012 Photo: Reproduction/CS:GO

In 2013, however, the developer of the sovereign FPS chose to change it up yet again, creating an instant classic that is sure to ignite the flame of nostalgia within many gamers. The background of this version, by the way, varied in times of operations.

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The main menu used between 2013 and 2018 |  Photo: Playback/CS:GOThe main menu used between 2013 and 2018 | Photo: Playback/CS:GO

However, after many rumors and even a certain insistence on the part of the community, the old model of the main menu ended up giving way to the version brought by the Panorama UIwhich is still used today.

  The currently known version of the main menu |  Photo: Playback/CS:GO The currently known version of the main menu | Photo: Playback/CS:GO

In this model, moreover, the background can be easily changed through game settings. As in the previous edition, the main menu also changes during operations, as was the case in This fragmentedna broken fang e na current.


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