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See how you can see the jump of the mattress. Victims of defeat in Bohumn should have a slim chance to hit | Home

Prague Last weekend, Bohumnsk filled an apartment on the eleventh floor in the Karviná region. Eleven people died, five objections jumped in an attempt to escape the hell of fire from the window. No one pd out of thirty meters did not drink. At the same time, there were no slabs of seconds for the fire brigade to inflate the sky mattress under the panel house. She just wouldn’t help either.

This is a very risky means for both the rescuer and the rescuer. Hope for rescue would be minimal, she told the Lidovky.cz server to speak of Hasiska’s rescue corps R Nicole Studen. The impact of the mattress is used only in small heights, up to a maximum of fifteen and twenty meters.

Has the inflatable tarpaulin really inflated the fire and only as an emergency. Sometimes it is used to negotiate suicide before his jump as a prevention or to evacuate objects, Studen said.

Pornici dream of rescuing people from the flames most often inside the building, so it was in the case of the fire in Bohumn. They couldn’t lose time. For jumping, it is very difficult to hit the inflated mattress. Most of them are large tyi and pl meter to tyi and pl meter. Firefighters describe that the height of thirty meters of impact area looks like a box of matches.

With me


Bad on what the jumper is wearing, how the wind blows and the like. This changed the trajectory of the flight in me, said the server Lidovky.cz Rudolf Kram from the communication department of Hasisk’s protective corps R. The technique must be flat, you need the mattress, the dark surface you need. In addition, it would take inflated, Studen explained.

Fate minute

The self-inflating of the mattress jump, which was used even during the boom in Bohumn, takes about one minute. At the moment when the fire extinguisher fills it with air from the pressure of the bottle, it must be completely spread out and stand on a flat surface, preferably prepared under the windows.

An inflated mattress is a very difficult penet, especially in the distance. It is, of course, also dangerous for firefighters who would move under a person, only to jump and fall on them, the speech of the fire brigade specified. According to the manufacturer of the protective mattress, it should be positioned so that the jump to it is as vertical as possible.


Firefighting equipment on August 8, 2020 at a panel house in Bohumn.

Even when the jumper hits the mattress, he doesn’t win. It may turn out, bounce off the surface and the like, said Studen. In the 1990s, one firefighter jumped into a protective mattress. He jumped from a very young age during training, and after the impact he died, Studen described. In addition, people can jump on the prepared platform one by one. After each jump, the area must be re-inflated again, which takes another thirty seconds, Kram added.

Uhoela manelka i syn

Police tyiapadestiletho he accused her of treason and general endangerment. He is in custody and is threatening his life. The motive of his ina should be family disputes, his wife, son with partner and grandson were lying in the apartment.


On August 11, 2020, a police officer will attend a hearing in the district court in Karviná (accused).

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