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Sedisa highlights the need for collaborative, multidisciplinary and networking projects in healthcare

Decree 132/2021 of April 6 that regulates the system for the provision of managerial and intermediate positions of the health centers of the Andalusian Health System (SAS), proposes, among other measures, the development by regulation of a system of accreditation of professional skills to assess the principles of merit and ability and the evaluation by the manager appointed of its powers annually in accordance with criteria of effectiveness, responsibility for its management and control of results in relation to the goals and objectives set. This has been shown in the meeting of the territorial grouping of the Spanish Society of Health Directors (Sedisa) In Andalucia.

The meeting of the Sedisa territorial grouping in Andalusia was held at the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital in Granada

Specifically, it has explained Mª José Cano Hoyos, Deputy Director of Training, Selection and Professional Development of SSCC of the Andalusian Health Service. The meeting was held at the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital in Granada with the collaboration of AstraZeneca. In addition, it has been coordinated by Mª Ángeles García Rescalvo, managing director of the Hospital.

A dozen Andalusian Hospital Managers participated in the meeting. During this, projects promoted from the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital. It is about projects “with a collaborative, multidisciplinary and networking vision ”. What’s more, combine the high quality of the professionals who lead them with the fundamental framework of public-private collaboration and inter-centers, facilitating teamwork with other centers in the autonomous community“, Explain Mª Ángeles García Rescalvo.

At the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital in Granada, the projects launched in Oncology, Hematology, Pulmonology and Cardiology stand out

Proof of this are the lines of investigation in Oncology, both basic and translational, in collaboration with the University of Granada and the Center for Genomics and Oncology Research (Genyo) and active research lines in liquid biopsy, pancreatic cancer, with predictive genetic biomarkers, colon cancer in modulation of angiogenesis and gene expression levels and metabolomics in breast cancer. As well as the creation of the Home Hematology Care Unit, which has managed to improve the quality of life of the hematology patient. In addition, it reduces the rate and severity of nosocomial infections, reduces hospitalization and treatment room costs, and reduces waiting times for scheduled admissions.

The impulse of the research and training by health professionals, health managers and administration. Likewise, it is essential to establish an efficient and quality public-private partnership framework. “At AstraZeneca, we want to make this framework a space for adding value through support for research and training “. Specific, “Associating projects with health results and data management”, has explained Justo Moreno, market access head de AstraZeneca España.

The Health Executive, professionals and patients must facilitate and promote the implementation of these initiatives“, Emphasize from Sedisa

SWOT analysis of the professionalization of the health manager
Mª José Cano Hoyos has highlighted the need for Health Managers with developed managerial skills. In this sense, he has emphasized the ‘Metacompetencias‘, What “systematic understanding, attitude, leadership, communication, innovation and creativity, fostering change and teamwork“. In short, managerial competencies go far beyond leadership, in such a way that the leader, manager or intermediate position has elements of personality, values ​​and competencies that influence their performance and the performance of the organization, its professionals and relationships. “We must focus on those skills that can be learned and the most effective methods to learn them”, Highlights the Deputy Director of Training, Selection and Professional Development of SSCC of the Andalusian Health Service.

It is essential to have professional managers and a regulatory framework that facilitates it

Although the professionalization of health managers is essential for the quality and efficiency of the Health System and Health Organizations, it has weaknesses, such as the absence of framework regulations, the lack of a professional career model or accreditation of competencies, economic rewards not consistent with responsibility and arbitrariness in the appointment of positions, as well as threats, such as frequent political changes, the absence of evaluation structures or the uncertainty framework that hinders the development of strategic plans and objectives.

But the professionalization of health managers also has strengths and opportunities. Among the strengths, Mª José Cano Hoyos highlights “the consolidated image of the manager, his high motivation to train and to assume responsibility for the position, as well as his high commitment to professionals and healthcare”. And among the opportunities, “the interest in assuming the challenge of marking lines of professionalization by managers, creating competence maps, having a registry that orders and improves and the rapid social and technological changes that create new areas of professional development and profiles in direction that enrich the system”.

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