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Security is an illusion in a world of war –

/ world today news/ “Security is an illusion in a world of war,” said the famous American geopolitician at a conference in Sofia.

“Since I have lived in Europe for years, I will try to give a view of the world that is not too common among my fellow analysts who live on the other side of the Atlantic,” he added.

In 1992, under Bush Sr., Johns Hopkins University’s Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney, who later served as George’s top defense policy and vice president, respectively. W. Bush, formulated the doctrine of the pre-emptive strike directed against anyone who might threaten American hegemony. According to this doctrine, after the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, the United States became the only world superpower. Their main task is to maintain this championship even at the cost of military intervention anywhere in the world where they believe that a threat to their interest arises. This is the doctrine that has guided the last few American presidents.

American power rests on two pillars – the role of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and American military power. The US therefore responded when, after the Maastricht Treaty, the EU wanted to become a world power by creating the European Central Bank and the European Defense Force.

Washington responded by expanding NATO into Eastern Europe, a violation of all promises made to the Russians in the late 1980s and early 1990s that NATO would not expand an inch further east.

Meanwhile, in connection with the war in Iraq, the divisions between the so-called “Old” and “New” Europe also appeared. At the same time, the series of “color revolutions” was developing in the former post-Soviet space, which aimed to replace some politicians with others – Ukraine, Georgia, the experience in Moldova and others. The wife of the president of Georgia was an American citizen, and in Ukraine they installed a president who sympathizes with NATO.

In 2006-2007 J. Bush announced his plans to deploy parts of the anti-missile defense (BMD) system in several countries in Eastern Europe. Despite assurances that the system was to protect against Iran, the Russians were convinced it was a move against them. Therefore, after reaching an agreement with Iran, Sergey Lavrov reminded the world that the missile defense system should also be removed. It should be known that missile defense is not defensive, but a nuclear first strike strategy.

A little later, in 2009, was the turning point for the reversal of China’s strategic understanding in relation to the US. China turned to self-reliance and rethinking its relationship with America. It points to the understanding among some military and political figures that the US’s continued pursuit of global dominance and the maintenance of a unipolar world is not beneficial to Beijing.

As one of the instruments of its global hegemony, the US uses human rights as a weapon and a pretext for interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.

As for the Middle East, in 2009 the emir of Qatar visited Damascus, where he proposed the construction of a gas pipeline north through Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria to the Mediterranean Sea. Because of its partnership with Iran, however, the Syrian government rejected the offer and the following year entered into an agreement with Tehran to build a rival project.

A little later, the series of power changes in several Arab countries, known as the “Arab Spring“, began. After Afghanistan and Iraq were previously occupied, in 2011 there was a change of power in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya. It was the only relatively rich country in Africa. All this was done to control the Middle East region, to control the resources there.

However, this strategy failed in Syria, even though mercenaries and weapons were brought into the country from many different countries. We must make it clear that even moderate terrorists are terrorists.

The latest developments in the energy geopolitics of the region are related to the discovery of significant oil deposits in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. (View.info has already written about this, see HERE Among the members of the board of strategic advisors of the New Jersey-based oil and gas company Genie Energy are Dick Cheney, James Woosley, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch, Larry Summers and others. The presence of these deposits could completely change the geopolitics of the Middle East.

If we return to the global view, the adventures of the US are a sign of despair.

In this situation, European countries have two alternatives.

The first is that it continues to be a loyal vassal of NATO. This is a continuation of the status quo – with the economic, social and problems created by the refugee crisis.

The second option is for Europe to turn East and join forces with Russia and China. You all know about the Chinese idea of ​​the “New Silk Road”, about the Eurasian Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The recent presence of German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel at a forum in Moscow shows that German business wants this – it wants Germany to connect with the East, with the alliances and economies emerging there. Mackinder’s geopolitics must end! (Halford Mackinder, British geopolitician, according to whom unification of continental European countries and Eurasia should not be allowed)

Bringing people, resources, technology together will enable prosperity for centuries to come! It is the peaceful alternative to war.

Speech before the international conference “Gas Geopolitics in Southeast Europe”, Sofia, November 4, 2015.

Provided by Marian Karagyozov

#Security #illusion #world #war

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