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“Security in New York strengthened as preparation for potential protests if Trump is detained.”

Los Calls by former President Donald Trump to protest ahead of his possible indictment in New York have drawn mostly muted reactions from his supporters, with even some of his most ardent loyalists dismissing the idea as a waste of time or a law enforcement scam.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Secret Service have worked to coordinate security plansaccording to sources quoted by the newspaper The New York Postwho mentioned a meeting for that purpose.

“We will use all available resources,” an NYPD source assured the newspaper, who recalled that the body has a special unit that is deployed in cases of riots or major events in the city.

Among other measures, the possibility of restrict vehicle access to the Manhattan courthouse before which Trump should appear if indicted, even going so far as to deploy agents inside and outside the building.

The lukewarm reaction of Trump supporters to the call to protest

Although, judging by the initial response to his call to protest, Trump’s mobilization capacity does not appear to be very great, law enforcement in New York continues to closely monitor online conversations warning of protests and violence if the former president is detained, with threats that vary in specificity and credibility, four officials told the AP.

Messages posted on the Internet have included calls for armed protesters to block law enforcement officers and try to stop any possible arrest, the officials said.

He Republican Youth Club of New York has announced plans for a protest at an undisclosed location in Manhattan on Monday, and inflammatory but isolated posts emerged on fringe social media platforms from supporters calling for an armed confrontation with law enforcement at Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago.

But almost two days after Trump’s call for the protest, there was little sign that he had inspired his supporters to organize and demonstrate. In fact, a prominent organizer of the rallies that preceded the Capitol riots posted on Twitter that he intended to stay out.

Ali Alexander, who as part of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement organized rallies to promote Trump’s claims that Democrats stole the 2020 election from him, warned supporters of the former president that they would be “jailed or worse” if they protested in New York. “There they have no freedom or rights,” he tweeted.

Alexander said he also spoke with the conspiracy theorist. Alex Joneswho amplified the accusations of electoral fraud in his program Infowars, who also had no intention of protesting. “We both have enough fighting the government,” Alexander wrote. “No billionaire is going to cover our bills.”

The same president of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy rejected Trump’s calls for protests on Sunday. “I don’t think people should be protesting this, no,” McCarthy told reporters. “We want calm out there.”

Michel Cohen: key man for the prosecution’s prosecution

John Kirby, one of the White House spokesmen, also said on Sunday that although he is not aware that there have been security threats related to Trump’s appeal, the authorities were monitoring the emergence of possible protests.

“We always control the situation as best we can. And obviously we don’t want there to be violence, certainly not to the extreme of what we saw on January 6” of 2021, he said on the Fox network in reference to the assault on the Capitol.

Until this Monday, the District Attorney’s Office had not confirmed that charges will be filed against the former president in the course of the investigation that has been underway for five years for the payment of $ 130,000 to the porn actress Stormy Daniels, allegedly in exchange for her silence about a sexual relationship during the electoral campaign that ended up taking him to the White House in 2017.

Trump has denied the affair but has admitted that he reimbursed his then-personal lawyer Michael Cohen the payment to Daniels, “to put an end to the false and extortionate accusations made by her.”

The likelihood of a conviction against Trump depends on prosecutors proving that the former president repaid that money to Cohen and falsified business records when he did so, possibly to conceal a violation of electoral law.

This Sunday, Trump returned to the charge and accused his successor, Joe Biden, of being behind the accusations in New York. “Biden wants to pretend he has nothing to do with the Manhattan District Attorney’s assault on democracy when, in fact, he has ‘filled’ the prosecutor’s office with people from the Department of Injustice,” he said on his social network, Truth Social. , the same from which he announced his eventual arrest and from which he urged the protest.

The newspaper The New York Times points out that this Monday the lawyer Robert Costello testifies, who would appear at the request of the defense to try to undermine the credibility of Cohen, who seems to be the main witness of the Prosecutor’s Office.

With information from EFE and AP.


Stormy Daniels. The adult film actress claims that she met Trump in 2006 and had a consensual relationship with him for at least a year. The alleged romance began a year after the prisoner married Melania, and shortly after she gave birth to Barron. Although she signed a confidentiality agreement shortly before the 2016 elections not to talk about the case, in March she told her version for the first time on television in an interview with CBS.

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Karen McDougal. The Playboy magazine model claims she had a multi-month affair with Trump more than a decade ago. She claims that she had sold her story to the National Enquirer before the election but the outlet decided not to run it. She was paid $150,000, but now she wants out of that deal. According to McDougal, the newspaper did not “act alone.” In the shadows of that payment would have been the lawyer Michael Cohen, branded as “Trump’s problem solver.”

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Summer Zervos. The former contestant on ‘The Apprentice’, the reality show that Trump hosted, claims that the businessman kissed her against her will in his New York office and did the same at a dinner where, in addition, he groped her breasts and suggested they go to bed see “something on TV” Zervos says that she rejected Trump’s advances and that he was “pressing her genitals” against her. Looking ahead to the 2016 presidential elections, Zervos made these accusations public. The then Republican candidate said it was “fiction.”

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Kristin Anderson. She told The Washington Post that in the early 1990s, when she was an aspiring model, Trump touched her without her consent under her miniskirt, in her crotch and through her vagina. of underwear. The incident occurred in a busy New York nightclub.

Credit: The Washington Post


Cassandra Sears. In a Facebook post, the former 2013 Miss Washington accused Trump of “continually grabbing my ass.” The contestant, who refers to Trump as a “misogynist”, claims that she treated the contestants in the beauty pageant as “cattle”.

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Natasha Stoinoff. The People magazine journalist claims that Trump aggressively kissed her without her consent during an interview at her Mar-o-Largo home in 2005. When Melania Trump, then pregnant, went upstairs to change her clothes for the story, Trump invited to the journalist to show her the rooms of the luxurious house and in one of them he cornered her and kissed her without her permission.

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Jessica Leeds. She told The New York Times that on a flight to New York more than three decades ago, she was invited to upgrade from economy to first class and assigned a seat next to Trump, with whom she had a cordial conversation over dinner. Then the businessman touched her breasts and tried to push her hand up her skirt without her consent.

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Ivan Trump. The magnate’s first wife accused him in a court statement of forcing her to have sex after an argument. Years later, Ivana clarified that it was not a physical violation, but an emotional one, an argument that she repeated in 2015, at the beginning of the campaign for the Republican primary, when the complaints from the years of her divorce were aired again.

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Lisa Boyne. The businesswoman told the Huffington Post that in the summer of 1996, during a dinner at a restaurant and in front of several witnesses, Trump made several women file past his table, looked under their skirts, commented on whether they were wearing underwear or not and about what their genitals looked like. “It was the most offensive scene I’ve ever been a part of in my life,” Boyne said.

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Jill Harth. She met Trump as a beauty pageant organizer. She assures that he harassed her and ended up reporting him for an incident during a party at the Mar-a-Lago mansion where he groped her and held her down by pushing her against a wall in what she described as an “attempted rape.” However, the complaint ended in an out-of-court agreement that included a confidentiality clause.

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Mindy McGillivray. She told the Palm Beach Post that Trump had inappropriately touched her against her will at his Mar-a-Lago hotel 13 years ago, when she was 23. McGillivray did not report the incident to authorities, but according to her account, her companion that day, photographer Ken Davidoff, remembers how the young woman told him that Trump had groped her behind.

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Temple Taggart. The former Miss Utah accused the tycoon of kissing her against her will. “He kissed me right on the lips. I was like, ‘Oh my God, yuck.’ He was married to Marla Maples at the time. I think there were other girls he kissed on the mouth. I was like, ‘Wow, that’s inappropriate.'” Taggart told The New York Times. She claimed that she did the same a couple of months later at Trump Tower when he invited her to discuss her career.

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Rachel Crooks. She told the New York Times that the candidate kissed her on the mouth without her permission when she worked as a receptionist at Trump Tower in New York. According to Crooks, then 22, she came over to greet him while she was waiting for the elevator, they shook hands with her and then he kissed her on the cheeks and then directly on her mouth, which made her feel “insignificant.” “.

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Kathy Heller. She told The Guardian newspaper that she met Trump 20 years ago at a Mother’s Day brunch that she attended with her husband, three children and other relatives at the Mar-a-Lago mansion. Then Trump grabbed her and tried to kiss her, she turned away from him and he got angry and said “Oh, please.” He then grabbed her and kissed her on the mouth.

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Tasha Dixon. The former Miss Arizona detailed how Trump in 2001 entered the dressing rooms where the models were without announcing himself or giving them time to cover themselves and talked about how no one could complain because he was the owner.

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