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Security and the crisis (5/6). “The large family health insurance, reunited, …

How did they get through the health crisis? Directors of Cpam, Carsat or CAF, they confided in AEF info in a series of interviews, published throughout the summer. For Pierre Pribile, director of ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, “while the system is riddled with divisions, rivalries, and sometimes organized in organ pipes, for a year and a half, a real solidarity s ‘is created, which had never been expressed at this level “. In an interview with AEF info, July 15, 2021, he also details the way in which the agency has reorganized itself, with a majority of the agents assigned to crisis management. “The organization chart of the agency, today, does not mean anything any more”, notes the director, who wishes in the future to preserve this capacity to work in “project mode”, “to assemble the competences, independently of the attachment hierarchical “.

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