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Secure electronic commerce (CES): how does it work?

Trust is essential for any e-commerce to be successful.

And one of the points that we must give the highest priority is precisely in the payment process.

This is one of the reasons why implementing a Secure Electronic Commerce (or “CES”) is so essential in any online store.

But what is CES? I will answer this in this article, in addition to teaching you how to implement it within your ecommerce.

What is Secure Electronic Commerce or CES?

He Secure Electronic Commerce or CES It is a measure that seeks to guarantee the safety of merchants who choose to pay with their debit or credit card within an online store or ecommerce.

This method is not only a way to ensure that there is no unauthorized use of the cards by those who choose to buy in an online store.

At least this on the side of e-commerce users.

But what happens on the side of those who implement such a system?

That is, e-commerce, us. The answer is quite simple.

➡️ The greatest motivation is precisely to guarantee the trust of our users ⬅️

The trust that our users have in our platform when making the payment is crucial, since it could depend on whether they make said payment or not.

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How does the Secure Electronic Commerce method work?

This method is quite simple, but at the same time it is able to ensure:

  • The privacy of each of the users who make a payment within your ecommerce
  • Prevent the unauthorized use of debit or credit cards

We all know the basic steps for any card payment:

  1. Enter the card number
  2. The name of the card owner
  3. The expiration date and finally
  4. The security code behind each card

✅ It is past this point that CES begins. And is that once you enter the information of your card, A small window will open, either Visa or Mastercard (depending on what your card is), in which you will be asked for a special code sent directly by your bank.

This code can be requested directly from the bank, or programmed to arrive via SMS to a linked mobile, and this will depend on each user and their bank.


If you are a user using the CES, you can make sure that it is the Secure Electronic Commerce method through the security verification that is usually seen from HTTPS

The 2 steps to launch your ecommerce with the “CES”

At this point, you are already more than informed about what CES is, and why you should implement it within your ecommerce.

And how to do it? Here is a brief guide on how to do it.

1. Choose a payment provider

2. Establish payment with debit or credit cards in your ecommerce

Are there other ways to ensure secure e-commerce?

Very attentive to each of them:

1. Choose a payment provider that allows the implementation of Secure Electronic Commerce for your consumers

The first thing you need to do to be able to implement CES in your online store is to select the appropriate payment provider.

Not all payment providers implement this system, so it is important that you choose one that does.

Therefore, I recommend that you look for those payment providers that implement the 3D Secure system, which is a secure system.

Shopify Payments does accept this system. This makes it a highly recommended alternative

The entire payment process will be greatly simplified, you’ll see!

2. Establish payment with debit or credit cards in your ecommerce

The CES system cannot be implemented if you do not implement the appropriate payment system.

You need to activate the payment by debit or credit card within your ecommerce, so that its suppliers (Visa and Mastercard) are able to make payments with 2-step authentication.

The reason why I tell you that you practically do not need to do anything, is because most of the payment providers that enable Secure Electronic Commerce do it automatically.

???? An example of this is Shopify Payments

As long as you enable payment with debit or credit cards, two-step authentication will automatically be allowed for those users who have requested the activation of the CES on their cards.

You still don’t have your own online store?

Are there other ways to ensure secure e-commerce?

CES and two-step payment authentication are not the only way to offer a secure purchase to your users.

There are other methods that you can implement in your online store to increase the trust of your customers and consumers.

✅ The security certificate or SSL which today is practically an obligation for those who decide to start an online business.

✅ Always add a contact information and any legal information that you have about your company, such as a tax record, physical location or similar.

✅ Establish a delivery system with traceability to know where the products are at all times.

✅ Implement a personalized user and customer service system, so that users can keep a record of the information they enter within your website.

✅ Establish several customer service channels to guarantee a fluid contact between the client and your business.

If possible, use WhatsApp Business or some other real-time chat service.

Author: Ismael ruiz, Online Marketing Consultant, and specialist in Corporate Blog Management and Social Media Management.

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