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Secure communication in authorities and companies

Instant-Messaging Secure communication in authorities and companies

In order to exchange ideas with other organizations, privately used messenger services are still used in many companies, which are problematic in terms of data protection. The messenger provider Teamwire therefore offers an interoperable and secure solution for the exchange of information and communication according to its own presentation.

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Police departments, for example, can use the messaging solution from Teamwire to exchange information with one another

(© Teamwire)

Tobias Stepan, founder and managing director of Teamwire, explains that with the “Teamwire Federation” the communication of organizations from numerous industries, such as authorities, BOS, clinics and financial service providers, can be linked across company and national borders. And this “with the highest security, absolute data sovereignty and maximum productivity”.

According to the manufacturer, 90 percent of the application takes place in the backend and can be implemented via both on-premises and private cloud deployment. To activate it, the IT administrator must create a federation profile via the dashboard. This includes the public tenant name, the tenant URL, a private key and public key. This is necessary in order to securely connect the various servers with one another. The integration must take place in both directions. “After adapting the IT infrastructure, the respective IT administrators have to enter the public key of the organization to be connected in the dashboard in order to set up the federation of the companies or server networks,” explains the provider.

Only when the public keys have been exchanged can the IT administrator activate selected users for communication with the federated organization. They can then communicate via the messenger in the form of text and voice messages as well as transfer images, documents and videos. The IT administrator has control over user management at all times, i.e. which users and groups are federated and which are not, the developers assure.

Other levels of security, such as the protection of chats via the private key, are also implemented. In addition, all messages are stored and archived on the backend of organization A and B. According to the manufacturer, the new system not only dissolves the communicative boundaries between companies, but also always fulfills the individual compliance guidelines of the respective organization.

“At the same time, federated servers act as a decentralized network and are therefore more resistant to hacker attacks. Because in the worst case only the attacked server fails. With a cloud solution, all connected companies would be affected, ”emphasizes the messaging company.


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