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Sectur will deliver “good accounts” to the next head: Torruco

Mexico City. Next week, the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur), headed by Miguel Torruco, will begin transition work with the team of the next government. The current secretary said that the next head of the department, Josefina Rodríguez Zamora, in matters of tourism, will receive “good reports.”

“Next week we will have the first meeting where we will agree on areas to begin the transition process. We are already ready with all the documents to clarify each issue,” said Torruco.

The official highlighted that at the end of the first quarter of the year, Foreign Direct Investment in the tourism sector amounts to 12.35 billion dollars, a record amount for a similar period, while the equivalent of about 44 billion dollars has been invested in infrastructure projects, which were allocated to the Mayan Train, the Isthmus Train, as well as airports and ports, among others.

“The arrival of 45.3 million tourists is expected this year… In terms of investment, the figures are good, we will close the year with an income of 33.45 billion dollars in tourist foreign currency, we already have the headquarters of the Tianguis Turístico of 2025 ready, which will be in Tijuana and Rosarito… The air market with Asia-Pacific was reestablished, and we are going to give a report on each area, where we will deliver good accounts of this administration,” Torruco said.

“We already have 100 percent of the documents (for the transition),” said the official, and after being asked if he will make any recommendations to his successor, he made it clear that “we do not recommend, we are only going to announce the actions, the plans and we will present the repositioning of Mexico in the world.”

He was also asked whether the tourism sector would have fared better if the country had allocated more resources to promotion, to which he replied: “I don’t have the magic ball, but the per capita spending and the benefits to the local population are greater, we have ended up with these great contrasts of tourist paradises coexisting with hells of marginalization.”

“In the entire south, before there was only growth in Cancún, of 6 percent, and the other entities fell, but today we can say that, in general, the southeast already had growth at the end of last year of 6.1 percent, which means that there is more employment, greater wealth and greater well-being for the entire population,” he said after a press conference.

Acapulco advances almost 1 year after Otis

The conference was held to discuss the progress of the work being carried out in Acapulco, Guerrero, almost a year after Hurricane Otis hit the port.

In this regard, Simón Quiñones Orozco, Secretary of Tourism of Guerrero, reported that as of today, the remodeling work has been completed and 221 of 281 hotels are open, with 10,800 rooms available.

He said that with the remodeling works, many rooms or complexes have been completely rebuilt, which is why the federal Sectur will be in charge, in the coming months, of reclassifying the hotels, so that those with 3 stars will become 4, and those with 4 will become 5.

For this holiday season alone, he added, the arrival of 594 tourists is expected at the port of Acapulco, which will imply an average occupancy of 70 percent during the summer; while it is expected that up to 9 cruise ships will arrive, and that 57 congresses will be held.

Quiñones Orozco added that in order to attract a greater number of visitors to the beaches of Acapulco, the traditional New Year’s Eve fireworks show will be resumed.

#Sectur #deliver #good #accounts #Torruco
– 2024-08-02 00:17:36

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