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Secretly taken subway photo from New York goes viral – it is not dissolved until nine years later

A New Yorker takes a photo on the subway. On it you can see: two completely different men. Now comes the whole story out.

  • New Yorker Jason Feifer photographed two men on the subway in 2011.
  • The snapshot with the two people listening to the music then goes viral.
  • An unbelievable nine years later, Feifer learns of the special relationship between the two.

New York – The French film “Pretty Best Friends” was a box-office hit in 2012 – here in Germany too. In it, two completely different men become the best over the course of the film friends. One is in a wheelchair, white and wealthy. The other comes from Senegal, is black and belongs to the lower social class. But no reason for either of them not to be special Friendship build up.

Real life now writes quite different stories. The story of Jason Feifer shows that film and reality do not always have to run past each other completely.

New Yorker secretly shoots subway photo – and nine years later receives an explanation for a snapshot

It was in 2011, in a Subway, as the New Yorker Feifer discovered two special men. The two sat next to each other, one black, the other white. Both did not speak a word to each other, but listened to music together by sharing headphones. Feifer liked the situation; he kept it all in one Cell phone snapshot firmly. “They looked so different, but it was such a special, brief moment,” said the journalist across from the New York Post.

Feifer brought that Photo floating around on social media, the snapshot should go viral right away. In 2016 for the US election campaign, he posted the picture of the two dissimilar men again, but what happened now, he would never have expected.

New York: Subway photo goes viral – after nine years, photographer finally gets an answer

After nine years he had actually managed to find out the identity of the two so dissimilar men. In the wake of the unrest * after the death of George Floyd, he posted his Photo again – this time on Instagram *. “The beauty of New York is that the city is so full of differences. There are so many great moments here that cannot be found anywhere else, ”says the amateur photographer.

It was then a friend of a follower, one of the two men on the Photo recognized. “Until a few days ago I had no idea that such an image existed,” says one of the two strangers, Matt McDonnell. “It was amazing to know someone did this snapshot has made.”

New York: Nine years after the subway photo – photographer finds unknown people

McDonnell and the second stranger, Danny “Rokit” Nieves, have known each other since college. The two have a common passion: hip hop from the 90s. On the day when the secret snapshot the white McDonnell was playing songs to his black friend on his cell phone.

The Photo is “a great reminder that skin color doesn’t define a person. In New York this is completely normal. Our neighbors just look different than we do, ”says McDonnell, who works in marketing. His friend Nieves is a break dancer. And yet the two are pretty much the best Friends.

Also for Hobby photographer Feifer comes full circle after nine years. He has the story of the two men who are no longer so unknown in his podcast discussed. “It was just such a small moment, but it was so important. It showed how our world should work. “

A video of a bird of prey that has apparently caught a shark is also going viral on the internet.

The body of a tech millionaire * has now been found in New York. She was brutally dismembered.

*tz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network

Headline list image: © Twitter

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