Home » today » Health » Secretary of Health delivers report on official of the Mayor’s Office of Manizales infected with covid-19

Secretary of Health delivers report on official of the Mayor’s Office of Manizales infected with covid-19

THE HOMELAND | Manizales

Carlos Humberto Orozco, Health Secretary of Manizales, delivered a report of the only case, so far, of a mayor official positive for covid-19.

He maintained that the person fulfilled his 14-day quarantine period on Wednesday, added that he suffered from mild symptoms and that an epidemiological work siege was carried out to identify close contacts in the municipal administration.

Orozco explained that there are three types of isolation for the Mayor’s staff: the first for people with hypertension, diabetes, chronic lung diseases that make them a population at risk from coronavirus.

In the second are people with flu symptoms, and the third corresponds to those who were identified in the epidemiological fence of the infected official.

The secretary indicated that three positive cases of covid-19 have been identified in municipal entities. Two in Assbasalud and one in the San Isidro Hospital, the latter is the caretaker guard of the care center. To those who made the epidemiological fences.

“The city will be exposed to this type of situation because we are accelerating the number of cases, any public or private institution will very surely have conglomerates, the important thing is to identify them in a timely manner and generate the respective isolations,” he said.

He explained that a cluster is when there are more than two cases at the same site with a close period of time between each other, indicating that there may be a cause and effect relationship with exposure to the coronavirus.

This Wednesday, 24 new cases of covi-19 were reported in Manizales. The capital of Caldas has confirmed 237 infections, of which 111 remain active, 123 have recovered and two have died.

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