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Secret 20 year old “Chef Pom” strong! ‘Give me back my life,’ reveals ex-husband whispering in ear ‘We don’t love each other’ on wedding day

‘Chef Pom’ Reveals Unrequited Romance! With a man 15 years on, endured more than 20 years announced in the middle of the house “Give me back my life” and reveals the things that were never said ex husband whispering in her ear on the wedding day “Well , we don’t love each other here”, but still relieved that the 3 children understood the path their mother had chosen. Take it now, someone’s talking. but did not ask to throw

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen another side of “Chef Pom” or “ML Kwanthip Devakula” Because most people are probably familiar with the image of a strong woman dating more aggressively than a cooking show. but in fact And this woman’s identity is her comedy. She understood the force that drew her into who she is today.

In which he told himself through the Club Friday Show produced by CHANGE2561, revealing secret stories of over 30 years with love stories from different eras more than 15 years apart. “Live for love” or “Love So You Must Endure” Including a decisive sentence pointing to life and death in the life of a woman’s daughter who “give me back my life”

“A person like us must have an adult person. At first we talked about my father’s friends. he is the subject of the story when he was a young singer. He had pictures in the newspapers. select a single image to go down What story is this? His father sent this photo to his son who lives abroad and let’s talk about it When it comes to the first element as an adult He is 15 years older than us, he is comfortable, younger than you should be able to speak, meeting 7 days later, he asked to be engaged. but after that, father drew dad said nasty You’ll get engaged, so get married. wait, they’ll say it’s a glitch. stretched for another 6-7 months before getting dressed.

I was in shock! In the middle of the wedding, with words whispered in my ear ‘I don’t like this’

“We love him a lot too. But for this, Pom will tell you a confession that on the day of the wedding Pom was in tears. Pom recalled that at the time he made merit in the morning. You have a photo, right? The photographer said he was close. Let’s meet for a while. Then he turned and spoke into our ears. “I didn’t love you,” he said on the wedding day, but for that, Pom had himself to blame for that… Since Pom was 23 years old that day, Pom didn’t dare to do anything.

that before composing I also have a flirt. He has come to take me to travel here and there. But early in the morning of the wedding day, I heard that line, very mean. But if it’s now (smiles), then I think she was going to talk. Why is it right in the ear and stand here At that moment, I thought I forgot, no one heard. two people heard but he lived with three kids that we didn’t tell anyone keep in mind alone I didn’t tell anyone. He is buried alone. if people hear Like on this show, here first, I want to tell people listening know what’s going to happen, deal with it, don’t move on, that’s already a dangerous sign.

More than 20 years to say this word “Pom wants her life back.”

“After two weeks of marriage, I went to America. Pom is a full-time housewife. Please look into some business matters. which looks good because we are in America just our family There was no attraction. has no friends no friends The controversy is very small. For example, in winter, at 4-5 o’clock it is already dark and there is nowhere to go. came back to eat at home. If you want to play sports, go out for two people.

(Patience is worth it. She decided to divorce her husband?) Do you remember what happened in the living room? I haven’t eaten yet. Why you chose that hour, I don’t know. Then she sat down and said the first word that.. Coming today, Pom wanted to ask for her life back. Everyone was amazed because that time was counted. Married life for 20 years. She said she didn’t want to stay she replied that he too had been there to listen to him complain? His sister understood everything.

But that day he was eating together and rarely swallowed. But that day, Pom said what she said was asking for her life back, Pom didn’t say at all that Pom would get a divorce. If you think fit and son are still fit to live in his life, then 1 year at home, he’ll have an apartment. That is, he stays at home and there will be an apartment to rent, he will go in front of a room and come back for 1 year to talk if it’s okay. It’s like they’ve been apart for a while. but forward behind the father and son still found something similar I remember talking in January. In early March, he came and told me. He said he was good and had nothing to improve. Divorce, was that clear?

As a normal woman, this kind of story is sad but I don’t cry anymore. Is it without tears and so, are we not worth it at all? For the past 20 years, what I thought would be difficult was talking to my children. Well, I spoke to the doctor and he said the second person is daddy’s boy, he likes to play golf all the time. see you soon Talk to one or three first. and take the first and third sons between them to talk to the second person

We consulted the doctor because we were concerned about our son. do nothing arbitrarily Talk to the first and third child. Believe it or not, the first word that said they couldn’t be together he Said it was fine, mom. We’ve lived our lives like this all the time.

It’s the reward of patience: 10 years ago I feared my son wouldn’t make it. Especially even the youngest person, he is the youngest. He said these words, we were relieved. And the reward is even more when talking to the second person. Since when, mom? Why didn’t mom say a single word? Father, she always talks. That the mother is busy with the child’s life, why doesn’t the mother say a word?

Both cases talking to the first child and the third AND speaking to the second person took less than 10 minutes, because he had always seen that patience was worth it. with the fact that the child has always been with us you feel what we have done for him”.

The status is “single”, but there are people to talk to, repeat clearly! Specs are what we like. but it does not guarantee that they can live together

“And let me tell you that even though we came on spec, tell all the girls, we don’t have a spec because we have a spec. It’s not like you come on spec and you can live together because deep down it requires understanding. and live with ourselves His personality, specifics… Don’t say you like him. The face is slightly out of Korea. But when he arrived, he became a rude man. can you stay with me? Specs are things we like but they don’t guarantee we can be together.

When asked if he was single, his current status was like being alone. But there are people talking, it’s not closed. But the fort has not been announced. After I got to work so Ha people watching. We have people who love and people who don’t. If he knows who we are with, who we are with? What are the consequences? And the strong didn’t want him to lose his personal space. peace will disappear. Ask if it’s the specifics. It’s not about age. Juveniles are fine if they are mature enough.

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