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Seconds of Husband Stabbing Wife After Fighting on the Roadside of Bandung


A husband has the heart to stab his wife with a knife when he is involved in an argument. His wife suffered severe injuries to her stomach and hands and had to undergo treatment in the hospital.

Roni’s reckless action (36) was caught on camera and was busy on social media. In the video, they were about to be divorced by residents, but suddenly the victim, Rina (26), was stabbed with a knife in Manglid Village, RT 8, RW 10, Margahayu Selatan Village, Margahayu District, Bandung Regency on Thursday (29/4 ).

Kapolsek Margahayu Bandung Police Commissioner Yana Mulyana said the victim was walking with friends in the afternoon. The suspect intercepted and approached the victim while hitting his head.

“The victim was walking with his friend and was prevented by the suspect using a motorbike. Then spontaneously approached the victim, immediately hitting the victim’s head while yelling,” said Yana via text message to the victim. detikcom, Sunday (2/5/2021).

They, said Yana, were involved in a family dispute. Roni and Rina are known to be a series partner. They contracted in the vicinity of the incident.

Tetiba, Roni took out a knife from under his jacket and aimed at the victim’s body. The victim suffered stab wounds to the stomach and hands.

“Shortly thereafter the suspect immediately took out a sharp weapon in the form of a knife, slashed at the victim on the right side of the stomach, on the arm of the hand. Soon the suspect immediately fled,” said Yana.

After the stabbing, the victim was immediately taken to the nearest hospital. Luckily, he survived and was undergoing treatment.

“The victim had an incision on the left side of the abdomen with 5 stitches and 8 stitches on the right hand. The doctor said that the victim can now be outpatient,” he concluded.

Also see ‘Gegara BLT Is Not Liquid, Husbands in Jambi Cannot Persecute Wives’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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