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Secondary school admission applications can be changed between April 8 and 10 – Dunakanyar Region

In the secondary admission procedure, the further education plans previously indicated in the admission system can be modified once between next Monday and Wednesday, the Education Office informed MTI on Thursday.

It was written that based on the results and experiences of the entrance exams, students can modify their application originally submitted in the secondary admission procedure during the indicated period.

They can change the order of the designated fields of study and add new ones, they indicated.
Attention was drawn to the fact that a new field of study can only be marked in the high school already listed on the student data sheet, and only after prior consultation with the school’s designated representative.
The fact of the consultation must be indicated on the application form originally submitted to the secondary school, they added, along with the fact that the originally marked field of study cannot be deleted, and it is not possible to apply to a school not previously chosen.

More detailed information on the amendment of the admission application can be found on the website of the Education Office (https://www.oktatas.hu/) can be read, the announcement states.


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