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Second wave worse than the first

This was stated by the virologist of the University of Milan in a speech at “Agorà” on Rai Tre. “This is a pervasive virus. It is very easy to acquire it at work or in a community context, then the family becomes a multiplier ”, he added

“This is a pervasive virus. In this the moment there is a very wide diffusion and worse than the first time. “These are the words, during a speech at” Agorà “on Rai Tre, by the virologist of the University of Milan, Fabrizio Pregliasco, director of Irccs Galeazzi , about the health emergency linked to diffusion of the coronavirus in Italy (THE LATEST NEWS LIVE).

“The probability of risk is there. It is very easy to acquire it at work or in a community context, then the family becomes a multiplier element because the defenses are lowered, while you have to be very careful in the presence of subjects

asymptomatic ”, added the expert.

Pregliasco: “Welcome lockdown one week a month”


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During his speech, Pregliasco also supported the proposal put forward by the immunologist Antonella Viola with reference to the possible measures to be taken to counter the spread of coronavirus: a lockdown scheduled, one week a month for each month, until June.

“A proposal that fits. A periodic trend is welcome, it is an element that we will have to take into account, modulating it quickly with respect to the evolution of the situation ”, commented the director of IRCCS Galeazzi. “This pathology will keep us company for a long time and it will be important to lower the proportion of cases to be able to recover contact tracing,” he concluded.

The proposal of the immunologist Antonella Viola

“Do we know that we have to go on until June? We decide to do lockdown planned, maybe one a month, a week every month so that people can know it in advance, plan it and get organized in time “. This is the proposal put forward dall’immunologa Antonella Viola in a speech to “The Words of the Week”, aired on Rai3. “There is a need to act. What should be done is to intervene with non-uniform measures throughout the territory, because the territory is not uniform. We need to identify the needs through the data we have collected and act in a targeted manner ”, added the expert.

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