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Second Wave Chinese TKA Scheduled to Arrive in Kendari Tomorrow

Kendari, CNN Indonesia

The second wave of foreign labor (TKA) China will arrive at Kendari, Province South East Sulawesi (Southeast Sulawesi), tomorrow, Tuesday (6/30).

Just like before, the Chinese TKA will use chartered planes from China to Indonesia and land at Kendari Haluoleo Airport. They will work for PT PT Virtue Dragon Nickel Indistry (VDNI) and PT OSS.

“According to the schedule the second wave arrived tomorrow. Yesterday it was delivered by the head of immigration,” said External Affairs Manager of PT VDNI Indrayanto when contacted. CNNIndonesia.com, Monday (6/29).

Indra could not confirm the number of China’s second wave of foreign workers. He said, the number of foreign workers brought in depends on health conditions after undergoing quarantine in the area of ​​origin.

“I have not been able to release it from Jakarta. Tomorrow afternoon, we can be sure how many people,” he said.

Previously, Head of Immigration Class IA Kendari Hajar Aswad said to several media that there were 105 Chinese TKA who would be brought on the second wave tomorrow.

However when CNNIndonesia.com ensuring that information, Hajar did not pick up the phone. He also did not reply to messages WhatsApp and refused to meet with journalists when visited at his office.

According to Indrayanto, the TKA who came in the second wave will work on building a 33-stove smelter network at PT VDNI and PT Obsidian Stainless Steel (OSS) in Mega-Industri Morosi Konawe Regency.

Indra also ensured, the TKA who came in the second wave had obtained permission from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration including the work visa issue 312.

“It’s already their visa. Including their expertise,” he explained.

Demo will be welcomed

As before, the arrival of foreign workers from the Bamboo Curtain country will be colored by student demonstrations.

Head of the Kendari Branch of the Islamic Student Association (HMI), Zulkarnain, said that his party would again block the road to Kendari Haluoleo Airport.

They will also try not to be cheated like the arrival of 156 previous TKA, 23 June.

“Certainly we will go down again tomorrow. We will close access to (the airport),” Zulkarnain said when contacted. CNNIndonesia.com.

According to him, the government is not open about the special status of the Chinese TKAs brought here. Therefore, when reading from the previous 49 TKA arrivals using only 211 visas or visit visas, the new TKA arrivals are also very likely.

“We request that the RPTKA (planned use of foreign workers) and work visas be made public. That’s what we want to know,” he said.

According to him, the issue of using visa 312 is closely related to local tax revenue.

In addition, the visa is to ensure that foreign workers work according to their expertise, not to work for things that can be done by local workers.

Previously, the Head of the South Sulawesi Provincial Manpower and Transmigration Office, Saemu Alwi, said that the administration of 156 Chinese TKA had no problems after checking on June 24, 2020 yesterday.

“There is no problem. All of them are complete with visa 312,” Saemu Alwi said at his office.

He said, as many as 300 Chinese foreign workers would be employed at PT OSS with 20 expertise. The number of local workers as a companion of 1,468 people.

While 200 foreign workers are employed at PT VDNI and will be accompanied by 3,413 local workers.

“So this is issued by the ministry. So they (TKA China) work in certain areas,” he explained.

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[Gambas:Video CNN]

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