delivery time2023-04-15 20:12
2nd death… “Damage increases as the deposit is drastically raised during the renewal of the contract”
[연합뉴스 자료사진]
(Incheon = Yonhap News) Reporter Hong Hyun-ki = A victim who failed to return the deposit from the so-called ‘architectural king’ who was arrested and indicted on charges of charter fraud of 12 billion won was found dead again.
According to the Incheon Michuhol Police Station on the 15th, Mr. A, in his 20s, was found dead in a tenement house in Michuhol-gu, Incheon at around 8:00 pm the previous day.
A friend who lives with Mr. A in the townhouse returned home after going out and found Mr. A dead in a room in the house and reported it to the police.
In Mr. A’s room, items presumed to have been used for extreme selection were found, but no suicide note was found.
Mr. A was found to have been active in the ‘Michuhol-gu Charter Fraud Damage Countermeasures Committee’ after seeing the damage of not receiving the deposit from the builder B (61), who is called the king of architecture.
According to the countermeasures committee, the townhouse where Mr. A lived was passed on to a random auction (auction for execution of foreclosed rights), and he has not received the deposit money back until recently.
When he moved into the house completed in 2019 in August of the same year, he signed a contract for a deposit of 68 million won, but it is said that when he renewed the contract in August 2021, he raised the deposit to 90 million won.
The Countermeasures Committee explained that even if a successful bidder came out, it was difficult for Mr. A to receive the remaining 56 million won except for the top priority payment of 34 million won according to the Housing Lease Protection Act.
An official from the Countermeasures Committee said, “Mr. A greatly raised the deposit when renewing the contract, but it was difficult because he could not get it back.”
A police official said, “Mr. A is believed to have died as an extreme choice, but it has not been clearly confirmed whether the damage to the charter fraud was the cause.”
This is the second case in which the victim who did not get the deposit back from Mr. B died.
Previously, on February 28, a victim in his 30s who had not received a deposit of 70 million won was found dead in a villa in Michuhol-gu.
In the will he left in the form of a memo on his mobile phone, he wrote, “The government’s measures (related to charter fraud) are very disappointing and I can’t stand it any longer.”
The countermeasure committee said, “According to the members, Mr. A said that he suffered so much until recently after the damage to the charter fraud.”
“We once again strongly demand the government to prevent the successive deaths of victims of charter fraud,” he said. Please devise practical measures to help.”
Builder B and his accomplices, including realtors and brokerage assistants, are being prosecuted and tried on charges of intercepting 12.5 billion won in jeonse deposits from tenants for 161 apartments and villas in the Michuhol-gu area from January to July last year.
Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2023/04/15 20:12 Send