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“Second stage of flu vaccination begins in Coronel Dorrego Municipality”

04|04|23 20:21 hs.

The Health Directorate of the Coronel Dorrego Municipality reported that the second stage of flu vaccination had begun.

In the aforementioned district, it is applied between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. The residents of the capital city, who must receive a dose, have to go to the Municipal Hospital; while in El Perdido or Oriente they have to approach the health unit.

It is for children from 6 months to 2 years; pregnant; puerperal women who have not been vaccinated during pregnancy (up to 10 days after discharge from the maternity); people from 2 to 64 years with risk factors; people at risk of exposure to sick birds.

The National Ministry of Health indicated that “influenza vaccination must be carried out in a timely manner, ideally before the beginning of winter, the stage of greatest circulation of the influenza virus. However, and in line with the national, regional and local epidemiological scenario, influenza vaccination will continue to be carried out during the rest of the year due to the dynamics of viral circulation”.

The campaign aims to reduce complications, hospitalizations, sequelae, and deaths caused by influenza virus infection in the population at risk throughout the country.

The vaccination strategy in Buenos Aires territory is carried out in a staggered manner, according to the most exposed population. The first stage began on March 17 and was aimed at health personnel, while the second was enabled with the aforementioned recipients.

The flu or influenza is a highly transmissible respiratory viral disease since it is spread from one person to another, by contact with droplets from the respiratory tract of infected people that are spread by coughing, sneezing or also through contaminated surfaces or objects. with these secretions.

Although, in general, most of those affected recover in one or two weeks, in population groups at risk it can cause serious complications.

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