Home » today » World » Second payment of the Permanent Family Contribution will benefit more than 20 thousand families in the region – 2024-03-03 23:07:59

Second payment of the Permanent Family Contribution will benefit more than 20 thousand families in the region – 2024-03-03 23:07:59

Recently, various sectoral authorities in the region announced the start of payments to the second payroll of the Permanent Family Contribution 2024, ex March bonus, which 20,076 families in O’Higgins will receive.

As explained by the regional director of IPS, Tatiana Ramirez, “this new payment corresponds to those who receive the Single Family Subsidy, benefits from Chile Solidario or the Security and Opportunities Subsystem in the first half of each month. In addition to IPS pensioners with Family Allowance payments.”

He added that “to receive this contribution you do not have to do any procedure, because it is automatically included in your monthly benefit that you receive in IPS. You only have to confirm your right, date and payment method at www.aportefamiliar.cl or www.chileatiende.cl, with your RUN and date of birth.

By 2024, the former March Bonus will reach $61,793 pesos per person, cause or family, becoming important support to alleviate and face March expenses.

For his part, the Government Seremi, Carlos Carrasco, pointed out that this benefit becomes “state support for the most vulnerable families in the region, who have a hard time making ends meet and that is where as a Government we are doing the difference, accompanying your walk to have a better quality of life.”

Finally, the Seremi of Social Development, Nayadeth Ahumada, stated that through the Permanent Family Contribution “we are providing economic security, especially to those households that are part of the security and opportunities subsystem, allowing them to alleviate March expenses. An effort to which is added the increase in the Single Family Subsidy and other benefits that have allowed us to reach more homes in the region with concrete aid.”

It should be noted that those who have not yet received their Permanent Family Contribution will be able to consult from March 15, when the third payroll is updated for those who receive Family or Maternal Allowance for their family responsibilities, including pensioners from institutions other than the IPS. It is estimated that, once all salaries have been paid, and considering that there are people who are retroactively updating their family responsibilities information, there will be close to 90 thousand people who will benefit from the Permanent Family Contribution this year 2024 in the region of O’ Higgins.

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