In the district of Würzburg, the suspicion of avian influenza was officially confirmed in another small business on Thursday, March 4th. This is announced by the Main-Tauber District District Office in a press release. The affected company is located on the Tauber not far from the first outbreak. This makes an area adjustment of the restricted area and the observation area in the Main-Tauber district necessary, which were determined by the district office with a general decree of Friday, February 26th. The area adjustments will take effect on Tuesday March 9th.
The further general decree of Friday, February 26th, regarding the obligation to keep stables (compulsory stables) in the entire district area remains unchanged, the message says. How long these measures will have to be maintained cannot yet be foreseen.
Since the outbreak of avian influenza, the veterinary office has already sampled most of the poultry holdings in the restricted area. All samples were found to be negative.
Increased attention required
The veterinary office continues to call for increased attention. All poultry farmers in the entire district are requested to keep poultry in closed stalls and to check the necessary biosecurity measures. Poultry houses must be secured against the entry of wild birds and may only be entered by carers, veterinarians or official staff, according to the information from the district office.
The obligation to notify animal owners under the Avian Influenza Ordinance must still be complied with. Poultry markets and exhibitions are still prohibited, the protective measures for the restricted areas must still be observed.
If poultry farmers, even outside the restricted area or observation area, notice unusually high losses in their animals, they must inform their veterinarian or the veterinary office immediately, according to the notification. This also applies if the keepers observe neurological symptoms (e.g. indifference, head turning, balance disorders) or a sharp decline in laying performance in laying hens or insufficient weight gain in fattening poultry.
The change in the general order with the adapted restriction areas can be viewed on the website If you have any further questions, the veterinary office is available by e-mail to [email protected] or on Tel. (07931) 4827-6253 will be happy to help. There is detailed information on the Internet at