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Second defeat of the week for C’Chartres BM

In seventh heaven for a month, the CCBM suddenly fell back to earth this week. After the frustrating defeat to the Rennes leader (101-99 hp) on Tuesday, it was a much more affordable opponent to inflict a second home loss to the Chartrains yesterday: Loon Plage (69-81).

To get there, the CCBM got off to a very bad start. Borrowed, the companions of Ugo Doumbia immediately folded their shoulders under the blows of the north pole 3 Christopher Dauby and his winning shots, so much so that they were immediately brought to the score (7-23, 9 ‘).

Second defeat of the week

In the third quarter, when they had cleared the delay and scored a 7-point lead at the end of the second (36-29, 18 ‘), Ugo Doumbia’s teammates crossed a new turbulent zone that allowed the hosts to enter back in front (38-42, 24 ‘).

In a match in which every rebound was bitterly contested (40 at the CCBM versus 36 at the Loon) and the rare baskets of commodities, it was the Loonois who made their speech speak from a distance (15/33). When Dauby vanished, it was his young teammate Rojewski who took over with two murderous banderillas who took a ten-point lead (63-73) in the twilight of the last period. On the part of Chartrain, the reactions remained too sporadic (69-81).

The Chartrains will be able to take advantage of the next two weeks of recovery that will take them until the 10th day and a trip to Tarbes-Lourdes on 18 November.

THE CHARTRES SHEET (Jean-Cochet room).
Loon Plage beats C’Chartres BM 81 to 69 (range: 38-37) (quarters: 11-25, 27-12, 11-13, 20-31).
Referees: MM. It has extreme.
Spectators: About 700.
Chartres: Noel (-), Doumbia (11), Pellin (13), Smith (13), Ricard-Dorigo (15), Bouloukouet (0), Siegwarth (10), Ndiaye (-), Mbodj (0) and Haidara (- )), seeds (4).
42% shooting success (27/63) of which 30% at 3 points (6/20). 78% on free throws (15/19). 40 rebounds (Doumbia, 10). 20 faults.
Salary: R. Anderson (4), Housieaux (14), Dauby (27), Saumont (5), Hannequin (3), then Rojewski (15), Dansoko (2), Painted (-), Artamanov (6), Cantinol ( -), Cissoko (3). 42% shooting success (27/63) of which 45% at 3 points (15/33). 70% on free throws (12/17). 36 rebounds (Anderson, 9). 23 fouls. Gap: +7 for Chartres (36-29, 18 ‘); + for Loon (7-23, 9 ‘).

David Berthelem
[email protected]

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