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Second day with children on the streets of Madrid: the notices give way to sanctions | Madrid

Responsibility was the general trend of Madrid families on the first day in which children could go for a walk with the rule of four ones (an adult day trip with a maximum of three children for an hour and at a distance of a maximum of one kilometer), according to police sources, who warn that the notices on Sunday can become penalties this Monday. These first day with minors in the streets, these sources emphasize, served to raise awareness among families and warn of the restrictions imposed by the state of alarm. Municipal sources agree that there was general compliance with the regulations and stress that there were no serious incidents.

In Madrid capital, the Madrid Río area and the parks near La Vaguada were the places with the most influx of people this Sunday, according to police sources, who recall that the closure of parks in the capital helped prevent the concentration of families. However, some images with whole families walking or without respecting the safety distance, or of children playing soccer, were the subject of controversy on social networks on Sunday.

There was hardly a slight rebound in the fines, according to police sources, who nonetheless recall that the closure of parks in the capital helped prevent the concentration of families. 2,214 sanction proposals were raised with 16 arrests and 298 vehicles intercepted for skipping the state of alarm, reports the Government Delegation in Madrid. These figures are similar to those of Saturday, when 2,380 fines were imposed with 11 arrests, and 807 vehicles were intercepted.

Within this balance, the Municipal Police of Madrid put 748 sanction proposals on Sunday and arrested six people. Puente de Vallecas was the district with the most fines, followed by Carabanchel and Villaverde. They also intercepted 32 vehicles without authorization to circulate.

“We are very close to reaching normality, we are going to achieve it. Let’s not spoil it for some who are not supportive or responsible. A few, very few, who cannot ruin the exemplary and formidable conduct of a large majority, ”said the representative of the Government in Madrid, José Manuel Franco, in a message sent to the media this Monday.

Despite the figures, the government delegate thanked the people of Madrid for the “great collective responsibility” they are carrying out after six weeks of confinement “for ours and for our elders.” “Now that we are about to leave, more than ever we have to be responsible and supportive,” said Franco, who has expressed his belief that “together we are capable of behaving as an adult people.”

At a press conference, the director of the Coordination Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Fernando Simón, acknowledged: “Being able to see children on the street is a great satisfaction. It is also true that in some cases some concern could be generated by certain behaviors of some groups ”.

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