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Second Coronavirus Check Dangers After Job Report

  • Second coronavirus check in jeopardy after latest stronger-than-expected job report dissipates urgency to approve aid package
  • Republicans are convinced that the watchword is “wait to see”
  • However, this does not mean that a new aid package is still being negotiated.

Second coronavirus check is dangerous. A stronger-than-expected job report could further confuse an already uncertain outlook for approving a fifth and possibly final coronavirus aid package that includes sending a second aid check. Positive statistics fuel the “wait to see” strategy of the White House and its Republican Party allies in Congress.

Republicans say the numbers justify their decision to pause and evaluate the nearly $ 3 trillion in support they have already approved. The White House also shows little urgency to pursue another $ 3 trillion response law, let alone the $ 3.5 trillion measure passed last month by the White House, and prefers to focus on reopening the economy.

Complicated negotiations on what the package should contain are expected in the coming weeks, a few months before an election where the White House and control of Congress are at stake.

For lawmakers, complicated decisions hover over how much funding to distribute to states, how to expand unemployment support for millions of people, and whether to create protections against lawsuits for businesses and schools as they reopen during the pandemic.

Friday’s jobs report showed there was a gain of 2.5 million rather than the expected loss of millions more, complicating the outlook for aid talks.

“They are less than urgent, less than conducive to another package,” said Rep. Patrick McHenrey, leader of the Republican Party when his party had the majority. “There is less urgency to obtain a complicated pact, and this would be a complicated pact. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen, I just think the urgency is greatly diminished. ”

Democrats saw the jobs report and a job loss for 600,000 public employees likely to worsen if Washington fails to help state and local governments in need of funds. Despite the positive job news, unemployment nationwide is at 13%, so the impending expiration of the $ 600 per week unemployment support supplement promises to be a catalyst for action.

Trump says his plan to fight racism is a strong economy

President Donald Trump said on Friday that his plan to fix racial tensions is to favor economic growth and that the African American whose homicide sparked the protests, George Floyd, would be delighted if he saw the new unemployment data.

Trump’s controversial statements came during a long appearance before the press in which he celebrated that the unemployment rate in the United States unexpectedly fell to 13.3% in May, compared to 14.7% the previous month, according to this Friday. the Department of Labor.

“What has happened to our country is the best thing that can happen for race relations, for African-Americans,” Trump said, referring to the indication that the job market is not as touched as expected due to the devastating impact on the economy related to the new coronavirus pandemic.

Filed Under: Second Check Endangered

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