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Second child with Orlando Bloom? Katy Perry fuels pregnancy rumors

Expected Katy Perry maybe offspring again? In August 2020 they are and Orlado Bloom become parents of a daughter. Now fans are speculating that the couple may soon be looking forward to another addition to the family.

Katy Perry pregnant? Fans have a guess

An insider hinted last fall that the singer and actor’s family planning isn’t over yet. He claimed Perry and Bloom would like to have another child and revealed: “They don’t want to waste any time before they have a second one.”

So it’s not surprising that Katy Perry’s fans have been keenly watching since then to see if the musician might have a baby tummy. And recent photos actually give reason to believe Perry may be hiding a sweet secret. The 37-year-old was snapped by paparazzi while filming the new season of “American Idol” on Tuesday. On the pictures taken by the Daily Mail were released, Katy Perry wears a white skirt under which some fans say she’s spotted a bulging stomach.

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