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Second Capitol storming hearing: Trump calls investigation ‘mockery’ | NOW

Donald Trump on Monday lashed out at the parliamentary committee investigating the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol. Commission chair Bennie Thompson recently called the storming “the outcome of a coup attempt by Donald Trump”. He said the violence was not an accident, but “Trump’s last attempt to survive”.

In a twelve-page document, which the former president of the United States released on Monday during the second hearing, Trump strongly opposes this. For example, he writes that “Democrats have come up with a story around January 6 that should distract from the larger and more important truth that the 2020 elections were stolen and manipulated”.

Trump believes that the committee, with seven Democrats and two Republicans, only looks at one side of the story. He also calls the parliamentary inquiry a “judicial mockery”. After all, Trump says the hearings also serve to “distract the American public from the pain they feel”.

Ignoring the will of voters

Monday’s hearing focused on “Donald Trump’s decision to disregard voters’ will, declare victory in elections he lost, disseminate allegations of fraud and then decide to ignore court rulings when he disagreed with the decision of the courts”. That’s what officials of the committee told American reporters† The committee also presented a lot of new information, such as interviews with former Trump employees.

Several witnesses were also heard during the hearing, including Trump’s campaign staff. They all said they were trying to tell Trump the truth on Jan. 6: “That he probably wouldn’t win,” that he “definitely shouldn’t declare victory,” and that his claims of vote fraud were “idiotic.”

Storming coordinated by Trump

Ultimately, the commission wants to demonstrate that the storming of the Capitol was coordinated by Trump and those around him. The assault is said to be aimed at thwarting Congressional nomination of Joe Biden as US president.

Four people were killed in the storming of the Capitol on the day itself, one of whom was shot and killed by police. Four police officers involved in the defense of the complex later took their own lives. More than a hundred people were injured.

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