People under 60 can make an appointment to receive the second booster dose of the coronavirus vaccine through the SCS MiCitaPrevia app or website or by calling 012
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A student of the next Erasmus receives the vaccine against Covid-19 in the device launched at the Official College of Doctors of Madrid, on July 7, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). The students received doses of Pfizer, Astrazeneca and Janssen. As of this Wednesday July 7, Madrid students who will be studying an Erasmus in the 2021-2022 academic year will be able to receive the vaccine against the coronavirus in the different points set up in the Community of Madrid.
Eduardo Parra / Europe Press
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” data-image-caption=”
A student of the next Erasmus receives the vaccine against Covid-19 in the device launched at the Official College of Doctors of Madrid, on July 7, 2021, in Madrid, (Spain). The students received doses of Pfizer, Astrazeneca and Janssen. As of this Wednesday July 7, Madrid students who will be studying an Erasmus in the 2021-2022 academic year will be able to receive the coronavirus vaccine in the different points set up in the Community of Madrid.
Eduardo Parra / Europe Press
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The Ministry of Health de Canarias begins this Tuesday 20 December the process of inoculation of the new covid-19 multivalent vaccines adapted to the Omicron variants to the population under 60. From now on, the population between 12 and 59 years of age who does not have risk factors will be able to receive this second booster dose, also called a booster dose.
Therefore, according to Health, continue to expand vaccination coverage against covid-19 with the aim to continue to control the transmission of the coronavirus and prevent cases more serious. Until now, this second dose was administered to people with previous pathologies and to those over 60 years of age, as well as to the population residing in centers for the elderly and other disability assistance centres.
Total, 186,539 people over the age of 60 or with chronic conditions have already completed their vaccination regimen with this second booster dose in the Canary Islands.
To receive this second memory dose, those under 60 must make an appointment either through the SCS MiCitaPrevia app or website or by calling 012 (922 470 012 or 928 301 012).
When to give the second booster dose
The booster dose can be given at least later five months since the last dose received against covid-19.
In the case of having presented a recent coronavirus infection, all persons residing in RSA and RSA must wait at least three months after infection to receive this booster dose, always within the five-month interval between doses. over 80 years old and people with a high degree of immunosuppression. People between the ages of 60 and 79 should wait five months after becoming infected.
multipurpose vaccines
The new polyvalent vaccines, used as booster doses, can enhance and amplify the immune response and, therefore, protection against all clinical manifestations.
Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the recommendations to start vaccination if it has not yet been done and to complete the vaccination regimen even if the disease has passed.
In relation to the role of hybrid immunity (from vaccination and from post-infection immunity), it should be considered that people who have had a SARS-CoV-2 infection can benefit from vaccination, since it has been observed that the immune response in future exposures to SARS-CoV-2 are more robust and also larger than those obtained in people who have received the vaccine or who have just recovered from the infection, and with better protection against new variants and subvariants.
Second dose of vaccination without an appointment
People who want to go without an appointment to get vaccinated with the second dose of the covid-19 vaccine in Gran Canaria They can do it from Monday to Sunday, from 09:30 to 18:30, at Infecar, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, or at the Teatro Víctor Jara, in Santa Lucía de Tirajana. Gáldar Health Center also has a vaccination point operating from 17:00 to 19:00.
In Tenerifethe health centers of San Benito, Ofra-Delicias, Los Realejos and the peripheral center of San Isidro are maintained as vaccination points without prior appointment between 10:00 and 19:45.