According to the information published about the SEC, an opportunity to invest in shares of 999-3,999 baht receives a dividend of 289-889 baht per day. The Anti-Fake News Center has investigated the facts with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and found that such information false information
In the event that there are financial advertisements stating that the SEC offers an opportunity to invest in shares of 999-3,999 baht, receive dividends of 289-889 baht per day. The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has examined the information and clarified that It is providing investment information that pretends to use the SEC logo without permission. However, the SEC has not opened for investment as advertised on the page
2023-09-02 06:51:00
#Fake #news #dont #share #SEC #opens #stock #investment #receiving #dividends #bahtday #false #information