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Sebastián Yatra prepares for Broadway and returns to ballads

“I never imagined being a protagonist on Broadway,” said Antioquian singer Sebastián Yatra in an interview with EL TIEMPO, about his role in the Chicago play ‘The Musical’, making him the first Colombian artist to land a leading role in the world’s vast showcase of musicals.

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His debut in this work, one of the most remembered on the mythical street in Manhattanin the famous setting of the Ambassador Theatre from New York, will take place next November 25th. For the artist it is a unique opportunity because it brings together his passion for music and acting. Yatra will play the character of Billy Flynna lawyer of dubious reputation, who was at one time brought to the big screen by actor Richard Gere.

“It’s interesting, because I enter his world and I can play the bad guy every night,” says the artist from Paisa, referring to the challenge of representing a character that is contrary to his personality and values. This opportunity brings with it the challenge of projecting itself as a comprehensive artist, from the acting to the songs to be performed.

Sebastian Yatra released his latest album on January 28, 2022.

Photo:Instagram: @sebastianyatra


“They are not easy at all and have a 1920s style, you have to find the way to make the character credible”he adds.

Although he was initially unsure about accepting this role, due to the musical projects he had in the next two years, including the release of his next album and a tour, Yatra reflected and then concluded: “I believe that in life the opportunities You have to grab them when they come to you and also take risks with the things that scare you.”

“I was preparing several months for the character to go to the audition, There we connected a lot with all the people from ‘Chicago the Musical’ and they loved it, Now I have to work hard and prepare myself very well.”He says excitedly: “It seems crazy to me to even say it, as something that one can never even imagine.”

The character that Yatra will play reflects a personality different from his essence: “Billy Flynn is a rather manipulative lawyer and is the antagonist of the play. He is a guy who only He thinks all day about power and money, So their values ​​don’t match mine, but it’s something interesting for me because I really have to act and I really wanted to one day be able to do a play on Broadway, but I never I imagined it was going to be Chicago and that it was going to be a leading role.”

In this production of the play, from November 25 to December 22 in New York, he will alternate with Charlotte of Amboise, who will play ‘Roxie Hart’; Robyn Hurder, who will play Velma Kelly; Orfeh will be the matronly Mama Martin, Red Concepción will be Amos Hart and R. Lowe will be Mary Sunshine.

“You’re with the best actors, dancers, singers and choreographers in the world, and everything is live, meaning it’s not like you can do five takes until it’s done and you can’t save the magic of editing, but that’s all that happens there in the theater.”

Without abandoning his music

Official cover of the new single ‘Los Domingos’ by Sebastián Yatra

Photo:Paz Vallejo.Courtesy of the artist


In addition to participating in the work ‘Chicago the Musical’, Yatra released ‘Los domingos’, one of the 100 songs that the artist wrote in the last year and a half, being the beginning of a stage in which he returns to the love lyrics that have characterized his career over the years.

“I’m returning to those ballads that have characterized me over the years, it’s a song that also winks at the album Fantasía (2019), since musically it’s like a cousin of (her song) Cristina.”

It is the first song from their upcoming album – whose release date is not yet known – and whose chorus says precisely: “I would start with a love song.”

The songs aren’t about me at the end of the day: they’re about the person listening to them and being able to make them their own.

From the cover to the specific details, ‘Sundays’ has stories to tell, created so that people can identify with this new single.

“The songs are not about me at the end of the day: They are about the person who is listening to them and that they can make them their own, above all that these lyrics can accompany them, can help them,” comments the artist.

He also reflects on the importance of making music: “For me it has always been very nice to put specific details because when you put in so much of your life as well as that of others and you express yourself from experiences, It’s much easier to connect with a storywith a song. Because I don’t like generic lyrics, words are extremely important to me.”

About the cover of ‘Los Domingos’, the artist says that “there were so many beautiful photos of Sundays that we didn’t know which one to leave, so we ended up making a super cool collage.” among many photos of the recording, photos of me as a child and also photos of things that inspire us and this cover was created, which, honestly, is one of my favorites.”

Sebastian Yatra performing Billy Flynn Chicago the Musical

Photo:Paz Vallejo.Courtesy of the artist

“I like everything about this song and it is an energy that one feels with the songs, how much you like them and how sure you are of them until the day they come to light and “People can now hear them.”

In the singer’s perspective, everything starts on Sundays, which is why the trailers reveal a story starring Anita, his nanny, who represents God in this video – making reference to the film ‘Almighty’-.

“I adore Anita, she has been my mother’s friend since we were little, we get along really well and she is a person with a lot of charisma, me is like the top 10 of the best people I’ve met in the world and it is true that she goes to mass every day,” says Yatra.

This is the beginning of a story that will be told from humor, but also from depth and closeness that the artist has with his followers and loved ones.

Laura Amarillo and Valentina Montes

School of Multimedia Journalism EL TIEMPO

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