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Sebastian Kurz in ZIB 2: “100,000 dead if …” – News

In the ZIB2 interview with Armin Wolf, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz repeated his appeal to the population to hold out and to celebrate Easter in a narrow circle.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) joined Armin Wolf in the ZIB2 studio on Monday. In conversation with the ORF anchorman, the chancellor presented the road map for the coming weeks and again appealed to the population to follow the strict instructions.

“We hope that we can save the storm in Austria,” said Kurz when asked when the storm would come in Austria. Last week, Kurz spoke of “calm before the storm”. The fact that this could pass Austria by metaphor only succeeds “if everyone works together”.

Infection of “maximum one percent”

Briefly announced that the government had interim results on the sample analysis that the social research institute SORA is carrying out on behalf of the Ministry of Science. Briefly spoke of a dark figure “in the alcohol range”. The data suggested an infection of “at most one percent”.

In a nutshell, this confirms that Austria’s path is the right one. Nevertheless, the Chancellor warned that the “emergency brake” could be pulled in the event of unfavorable trends. So he made it possible to take back the loosening that was announced on Monday. If the authorities had not acted as they did, we could have seen up to 100,000 deaths in Austria.

When asked about the Red Cross app, Kurz referred to Minister of Health Rudolf Anschober (Greens). Nevertheless, Kurz made it clear that there would be no obligation to use the app. Also that for those who use them, different rules apply than for others, is “not planned”.

Hold on, even if you think “it doesn’t work anymore”

Even if the shops open after Easter, the same exit restrictions will apply as they do now. Only the passage that only necessary purchases are allowed is deleted. So you will be allowed to enter any open shop.

Briefly repeated his request to the public to celebrate Easter only in the narrowest circle and to avoid large family celebrations. He knew that it was difficult, but that it was the only way to gradually return to normal after Easter.

Kurz did not want to reveal when you could start doing sports again. There will be a separate press conference for this. Due to the great distance between the athletes, playing tennis will be possible again faster than contact sports.

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