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Seasonal Allergies: 6 Foods to Avoid to Reduce Symptoms

With the beginning autumnThe disease is spreadingSeasonal diseases Especially the ones that hit Respiratory system like AllergiesTherefore, prevention is important during seasonal changes by following… Diet Health to increase Immunity And avoid foods that cause seasonal diseases such as allergies and others during seasonal diseases and allergies, according to the “Times of India” website.

Below are 6 foods to avoid during the change of seasons to prevent seasonal infections and diseases and to support the immune system:

1 – Dairy products

can increase Dairy products The likes of milk, cheese, and yogurt produce mucus and congestion, which can cause respiratory symptoms associated with allergies and seasonal infections, so choose dairy alternatives like almond milk or coconut yogurt if you suffering from congestion.

2- Foods and drinks that are rich in sugar

They can suppress immune function and promote inflammation, making it harder for your body to fight infections, so limit your intake of sugar, soft drinks and sweets to support immune health during the change of seasons.

3 – Processed food

Processed foods often contain additives, preservatives and unhealthy fats that can weaken immunity and contribute to inflammation, so avoid foods such as packaged snacks, fast food and sugary cereals, and instead choose whole foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.

4 – Fried food

Fried foods are high in unhealthy fats that can cause inflammation and affect immune function, so you should limit your intake of fried snacks such as fries French and fatty foods during seasonal infections to reduce inflammation and protect immunity.

5 – Spicy foods

They can irritate nasal passages and worsen respiratory symptoms in individuals with allergies or infections, so avoid dishes containing chili peppers, chili powder, or excessive spices if you have congestion or respiratory discomfort .

6 – Citrus

Although citrus fruits are full of vitamin C, which supports immune function, they can also cause allergies or worsen symptoms in individuals who are sensitive to citrus fruits berries or kiwi to get vitamin C.

2024-09-24 10:00:00

#Seasonal #Allergies #Foods #Avoid #Reduce #Symptoms

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