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Searching for the dream lady

On Saturday night, the Danish 29-year-old Mathias Arneke met a woman he cannot forget. The only problem is that he does not remember her name.

– After she had left, I thought “what the hell just happened”. That was when it struck me that I had not been given her name, Mathias tells Dagbladet.

Hoping to find the special woman, Mathias Arneke contacted the Danish newspaper BT, which discussed the matter first.

Should watch football game

Together with the group of friends, he was at Kayak bar in Copenhagen to watch the European Championship match between Denmark and the Czech Republic. Here he talked to a girl wearing Denmark’s national team jersey.

– I started talking to her, and we “clicked”. She was very sweet, with blond hair and blue eyes, Mathias recalls.

He remembers how everyone drank and sang during the European Championship match. In the conversation between him and the woman, however, no name was ever asked, says Arneke.

T-shirt: In Copenhagen, it takes off after the Danes’ quarterfinal victory. Video: Red Card.
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– Why is it so important for you to get in touch with her?

– I have no problem talking to girls, but there was something special about her. Everything clapped. This girl is special.

Kissed in the rain

Mathias and the woman had watched the football match via screen outdoors at the bar. When the match was over, it started to rain, which set the mood.

– While it was raining, we looked into each other’s eyes and kissed. It was very romantic, he says.

Kayak bar is located right by one of the canals in Copenhagen. After the romantic kiss in the rain, Mathias suggested that they go swimming. When they returned to the table after the swim, his friends were curious.

– My friends asked me who she was. I replied “It’s Ariel”, because she reminded me of a mermaid when I saw her swimming in the rain, he says.

CONTACTED MEDIA: In the hope of finding the special woman, Mathias Arneke contacted the Danish newspaper BT.  Photo: Private

CONTACT MEDIA: Hoping to find the special woman, Mathias Arneke contacted the Danish newspaper BT. Photo: Private
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Many inquiries

After the special meeting, Mathias could not forget the “mermaid” woman. He therefore contacted the Danish newspaper BT, in the hope of finding “Ariel”.

– After the article, I have received many inquiries from women, but so far no one has had a connection to the woman I met.

Mathias’ dream ending is that he gets in touch with her, and that she is single and interested. The 29-year-old is aware that she may be unavailable, but he says that he has a very good feeling.

– I am good with people and can read them quickly. That’s why I think she felt the same as me that night, he concludes.

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