Home » today » World » Searches in Moscow: The terrorists have been “hunting” Zakhar Prilepin for nearly half a year –

Searches in Moscow: The terrorists have been “hunting” Zakhar Prilepin for nearly half a year –

/ world today news/ The perpetrator of the terrorist attack, in which the writer was injured and his driver was killed, has been arrested. His accomplices are still wanted.

The security forces needed only a few hours to arrest the one who blew up the car of the writer Zakhar Prilepin: he was caught near one of the villages, not far from the place of the terrorist attack, by local police officers.

A native of Donbas, previously convicted of robbery, he was recruited by the Ukrainian special services as early as 2018. And last year he specifically arrived to “legalize” himself and participate in the hunt for Prilepin.

Meanwhile, according to Tsarigrad, the detainee is only a direct contractor. The one who pressed the button, then there was an explosion.

The place of the attack is a dense forest

Prilepin’s car – an Audi Q7 crossover, driven by his driver, security guard and friend Alexander Shubin (call sign “Zul”) exploded at 11.20 on Saturday, May 6, at the exit of the village of Pionerski, which is located 50 km from Bor , a satellite city of Nizhny Novgorod.

According to sources, the writer had arrived there the previous day to visit his family. Rest, walk with children. In the morning he went somewhere for work with his daughter. And then, having left her near the house, he had to go to Moscow.

“There is only one road there – in the direction of Bor. And how is the road? The usual primer, then the asphalt begins. It left from Lenin Street for a village – and that’s it, the forest. And the road. Communication is not everywhere. But on this place, where it was blown up, the phones “catch up”, said one of Tsarigrad’s interlocutors.

According to him, several families live in the village, a significant part of the houses are abandoned. There are also several two-story multi-apartment buildings, a store, and the recreation center of Nizhny Novgorod State University, but it has long been vacant.

Transport doesn’t go there – not at all. People move to “civilization” in their own cars.

The explosion was so strong that the heavy car was literally thrown into the air, practically tearing off the front end. The driver died on the spot, and Prilepin, who was sitting in the back seat, was seriously injured in the legs.

As it later turned out, two anti-tank mines had been laid along the Audi’s route, triggered remotely when the crossover was in the right place.

Expert: “They’ve been working on it” for a long time

A few hours after the emergency, information appeared on the Telegram channels that local residents allegedly saw some bearded unknown man who for some reason climbed into the pit and sat there “for a long time.”

The sources of “First Russian” do not confirm these stories: the main advantage, if I may say so, of this village lies precisely in the fact that there are simply no strangers there – here the word is “absolutely”. They have nothing to do there.

And if someone appears – whether openly or vice versa, trying not to “shine”, it will certainly arouse suspicion (in fact, according to our information, the writer settled his family there to protect his relatives from trouble in this turbulent time) .

Another thing is that in the absence of active traffic on the only road, it is practically empty. Accordingly, it is an ideal place for an ambush, says former special agent Alexander Grigoriev.

“I think that Prilepin has been ‘developed’ for a long time: they determine a schedule, routes of movement, social circle, etc. It is possible that they use an elimination plan similar to the one directed against Vladlen Tatarsky,” explained the specialist.

“Only after the death of Tatarsky, public figures related to the topic of SVO became more careful. That’s why another option was chosen,” he notes.

He practically has no doubt that the group acted: it will not be possible to do this alone, since you need to monitor several “points”, coordinate, directly observe the place where the explosion is planned, and provide escape routes. And most importantly – to prepare and deliver the explosive substance itself and the mechanism for its activation.

And on the “H” day, for which the terrorist attack was planned, the writer was probably put under very close surveillance: he was “taken” to his destination.

The absence of the writer’s daughter in the cabin at the time of the attack is rather a happy accident

In fact, the assassin, detained by one of the police groups (in particular, it included the district police), which were sent to patrol the area in the settlements closest to the place of the terrorist attack, confirms the words of our expert.

“I am Permyakov Alexander Anatolyevich, born on September 21, 1993, a native of the city of Druzhovka, Donetsk region. In 2018, I was recruited by the Ukrainian special services. In 2022, I entered the territory of Russia with the aim of killing and liquidating Zakhar Prilepin “Method of killing – remote detonation, two anti-tank mines,” said the perpetrator of the attack during interrogation.

Grigoriev thinks that the mines were buried in the ground early in the morning: it would take a few minutes with some skill and the availability of a small sapper’s shovel.

And the observation was carried out from the edge of the forest – perhaps with the help of binoculars. The absence of Prilepin’s daughter in the car at the time of the explosion is more of a happy accident than some nobility of the terrorists.

The performer Permyakov: All in the name of money?

It is known about Permyakov that he grew up in a poor family, before that he was convicted twice – even under Ukrainian law – for robbery and hooliganism. In 2015, he even served in the militia.

It is not yet known how exactly the Ukrainian special services took him, according to one of the versions, the reason for the betrayal was money.


As it became known to “Tsarigrad”, last year he arrived in the Moscow region, having received a job inspecting the construction site.

He himself was probably waiting for orders from the curators: sources report that special services have established a number of addresses in the capital and the Moscow region, where his accomplices probably lived, where searches are currently being carried out.

Former detective Sergey Kotov also has no doubts that Permyakov fulfilled his clearly defined role of a performer:

“In my opinion, the group consisted of three or four people. One of them, for example, followed Prilepin in Moscow, not far from his place of residence,” he said.

“The other was technical support (which means there are still people who provided those same mines) and was insurance. The third was a cover coordinator. They went in different directions, as bandits usually do. Just the accomplices are more fortunate,” added the expert.

Thus, if Permyakov himself is to be believed and the words of experts from “Tsarigrad” are taken into account, the hunt for the writer lasted several months.

Agents of GUR (Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate, which, according to a number of Constantinople sources, is behind the organization of the terrorist attacks; it is controlled by the CIA) all this time lived in Russia and prepared the assassination.

Why this particular day and location, near his family’s home, was chosen is anyone’s guess. Perhaps this is part of the psychological war – as a kind of continuation of the terrorist attacks against the Russian patriots: Dasha Dugina, Vladlen Tatarsky, now Zakhar Prilepin.

What of this?

Our security forces have learned to find the perpetrators of terrorist attacks against what are commonly called opinion leaders: quickly and accurately.

They also found Natalia Vovk, who blew up Darya Dugin in August last year (although she still managed to escape) and Darya Trepova*, who gave a bust of Tatarsky with explosives, now they also caught Alexander Permyakov, who was blown up Prilepin’s Car.

But let’s act proactively – so far, frankly, we haven’t succeeded.

And that’s bad.

It is obvious that the path of terror chosen by the Zelensky regime will not end with a drone attack on the Kremlin and oil depots and an attempt on Prilepin.

This means that achieving the expected effect in the quasi-state 404 and, accordingly, in Washington will be closer and closer. And we cannot allow that. We have already said more than once that it is time to get out of the sleep state that the SVO is “somewhere over there” because the enemy is waging war against the Russians on our territory. It’s time to act – hard and fast.

*Included in the list of persons involved in terrorist or extremist activity

Translation: SM

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