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Searches against dubious craft businesses – hamburg.de

Hamburg (dpa) – In investigations against a gang that is said to have cheated customers with dubious craft businesses, the police in Hamburg, Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia searched seven apartments and a prison cell. The five men and two women ran handicraft companies throughout Germany and always proceeded with their actions with a clear division of roles, the police said on Wednesday. According to a spokeswoman, the officials counted more than 30 victims in Hamburg alone.

The suspects had placed ads on the Internet in which they primarily offered emergency services. However, the work was not completed professionally or at all by the deadline. According to investigators, a much too high wage was then demanded. Customers were verbally pressured if they hesitated to pay the bill.

The searches took place on Tuesday in Hamburg-Billstedt, Stuttgart, Oberhausen, Geldern and Gelsenkirchen. The officers secured extensive evidence, including mobile phones, laptops, electronic storage media, business documents and around 4,000 euros in cash. One of the 27-year-old suspect is currently in prison, so his cell was also searched.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:220713-99-10490/3

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