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Search for the 43 will continue; neither impunity nor dismissal: AMLO

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered the parents of the missing Ayotzinapa students guarantees that the investigations will not be closed and there will be no impunity, because he has already spoken with the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, so that the truth is known and the guilty are punished. This is an open file and We will work until the last day of my mandate.

The Presidency released part of the statements made by López Obrador in the private meeting at the National Palace, among which he stressed that The Mexican government does not cover up or protect any person, specifically, high-level elements within the Army.. Among the main results achieved was the arrest of senior officials of the then Attorney General’s Office (PGR), for the construction of the misnamed historical truth.

The president also referred to the legal situation of the defendants, attributing to the Judiciary many of the changes that have occurred in their legal situation, such as changes in the precautionary measures to continue their process in freedom. He also emphasized the importance of the amnesty law that he promoted to obtain more information from people involved in the events.

At the meeting, the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice in the Ayotzinapa Case (Covaj) reported that it had carried out a new analysis of the 121,000 pages provided by the Ministry of National Defense, and based on this, it located and delivered 85 new documents to the mothers and fathers, of which 15 are new pages and 70 are files that transcribe or refer to these documents. These documents are in addition to the 18 that had already been published in the annex of the second presidential report.

Transparency and truth

The commitment to you is one of transparency and truth, which is why access to the files that you determine has been made available to mothers, fathers and their representatives, so that they can consult them whenever they require it.the commission noted.

In his opportunity, the Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration of the Ministry of the Interior and president of Covaj, Arturo Medina, highlighted that the fundamental commitment continues to be to find the young people, without minimizing any evidence provided by informants or collaborating witnesses.

Medina stated that to this end, actions have been strengthened to locate missing youth, mainly based on five lines of action: field searches, strengthening of human identification processes, truth and justice in open proceedings, work on extradition processes, as well as breaking the criminal pact of silence.

Regarding the breaking of the so-called criminal loyalty pact, he mentioned that 19 people have been interviewed in 62 work sessions; some of them were interested in participating as new informants or witnesses.

Meanwhile, in statements after the meeting, the special prosecutor for the Ayotzinapa case of the Attorney General’s Office, Rosendo Gómez Piedra – whom the parents accuse of having taken office to paralyze the investigation – said that far from stopping progress, he managed to overcome the crisis that existed in that area upon his arrival. We came to work, not to do politics.

He said that when he was appointed to the post, there was a succession of resignations, people left the institution because they did not agree, but the investigations were able to resume, which, he said, have not stopped in this last stage of the six-year term. Proceedings continue to be carried out, interrogations are being conducted and other investigations are being carried out.

He denied that the release of some soldiers had become their exoneration. They continue to face criminal proceedings and are obliged to appear at all times, because the change in precautionary measures does not modify the accusations against them, It is not complete freedom.

Good approach of the parents of the normalistas with Claudia Sheinbaum; they trust the word of the Morena member

Jessica Xantomila, Jared Laureles and Enrique Mendez

After their first meeting with the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, which they considered a good approachthe parents of the 43 Ayotzinapa students who disappeared in 2014 stated that they trust the word of the Morena member, who promised – they assured – that this case will be central to his government and policiesas well as to define a mechanism to monitor the investigation.

There is dialogue on her part and she is fully prepared; we are also willing to walk this new path.said Vidulfo Rosales, lawyer for the majority of families.

The meeting was held at the Mexico City Museum, where Rosa Icela Rodríguez, the future Secretary of the Interior, was also present. Rosales said that the parents of the students are satisfied with these first commitments that are made in this stage of government transition.

The dialogue began around 3 p.m., after the families went to the National Palace with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to whom they presented their response to the report that he delivered to them on July 8 and agreed to meet once again on August 27.

Claudia Sheinbaum was already waiting for them at the museum. The parents, who carried the photographs of their missing children at all times, walked from Moneda and Correo Mayor streets to Pino Suárez, amid crowds of journalists and photographers, as well as street vendors and passersby.

At the entrance of the premises the families, accompanied by their legal representatives, were received by allied organizations with the slogans Justice! Justice!and with the traditional roll call of the names of the 43 normalistas.

The meeting lasted about two hours. Upon leaving, Rosales explained that they tried very general topics with the next president, in a cordial atmosphere, no complaints.

In an interview, she mentioned that the families raised two important issues with Sheinbaum: that the Ayotzinapa case take center stage in his administration, and that important issues of the investigation can be followed up with his transition team.

The lawyer also stated that it will be after Sheinbaum takes office as President of the Republic that a new meeting will be defined. He explained that he would not be able to meet before the government administration takes over because he cannot get involved in the case, given that he has to review the documentation that has been generated regarding the investigation.Rosales stressed.

Regarding the meeting with President López Obrador, the families’ spokesperson assured that it was of processingwhat There was no major progress and who expressed their disagreement with his first Executive report on the case, almost 10 years after the tragic events in Iguala.

We have very little expectation that progress can be made, it is only a few months and, according to the data in the investigation, we see no news.held.

Fundamental differences with the head of the Executive

He indicated that there are conflicts with the head of the Executive discordant pointsOne of them has to do with the Army’s participation in the disappearance of the young people. The current government says there is no evidence, we say there is and it is the government that has to investigate it..

With the president There are fundamental differences that remain and we also maintain our position. What worries us in this last stretch of the administration is that we are stuck in a dead end, in a sterile debate, and that the essential points of the investigation are not moving forward.he said.

The group of families headed by Felipe de la Cruz, former spokesperson who three years ago competed for a seat for Morena, also participated in both meetings.

#Search #continue #impunity #dismissal #AMLO
– 2024-08-03 03:00:18

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