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28.07.2023 07:18, Alexey Razin
At its quarterly reporting event, Seagate Technology announced that the company began generating revenue from shipments of Corvault storage systems using heated magnetic recording (HAMR) drives. Next year, the company is going to expand the supply of such drives in bulk quantities separately from ready-made storage systems.
Image Source: Seagate Technology
Appropriate recognition, according to the resource Tom’s Hardware, made by CFO Gianluca Romano (Gianluca Romano). Corvault HAMR systems are expected to be widely available by the end of the current calendar year. The company’s customers in the cloud also continue to receive samples of HAMR drives larger than 30 TB. Mass deliveries of such hard drives will be deployed in early 2024. Along the way, it is planned to establish supplies of HAMR drives in the corporate server segment and in the direction of storage and video data processing systems, and in the latter case we are talking about smaller drives.
If Seagate customers, for some reason, do not want to switch to HAMR solutions, but want to get more capacious drives, then they will soon be offered a new generation of drives using perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) and “tiled” magnetic recording (SMR) technology . The capacity of these models should exceed 24 TB, according to statements by Seagate management made this week. In the family of drives with PMR recording technology, this will be the last generation of hard drives. In addition to the technologies already listed, it can use the 2D Magnetic Recording (TDMR) method.
2023-07-28 04:18:00
#Seagate #Starts #Commercial #Shipments #Hard #Drives #HAMR #Recording #Technology