Seabird Exploration was able to announce on Friday morning that it has been awarded a two-year contract for OBN services in the Western Hemisphere. The vessel “Fulmar Explorer” will perform the services under the contract, which will start in September, according to a message on Friday morning.
“We are delighted to announce this 2-year contract. It is a “game changer” for the company as it provides cash flow visibility that is unusual in our industry. With this contract, we are particularly pleased to report back to our shareholders an aggregate EBITDA backlog close to the company’s current market value. The board intends to distribute any excess cash to the shareholders,” said chairman Ståle Rodahl, in a comment on the award.
The share gains momentum on the Oslo Stock Exchange on Friday morning, and is up 22.35 per cent at 09.40. So far this year, the rise is a little more modest, with 6.42 per cent.
2023-07-14 07:45:33
#SeaBird #Exploration #large #contract #game #changer #company