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Sea Lions take a sunbath on the docks of an Argentine city because of quarantine … Video


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Sea Lions entered the streets of an Argentine city after they were left without population due to the country’s quarantine measures following the outbreak of the new Corona virus.

Sea lions spread on the sidewalks and streets of the Argentine city of Del Plat, the animals moved freely and lay on the sidewalks to take a sunbath amid the amazement of the citizens.

Sea Lions took advantage of quarantine measures and residents ’commitment to their homes, to enter the city streets freely. according to “thewest”.

And Argentina implemented quarantine measures due to the spread of the new Corona virus in the country, as the number of cases registered with the authorities in the country reached about 2150 cases at the end of last week, of whom about 90 people died.

The quarantine has been extended twice since it was announced About him for the first time Last March 13, it was extended for the second time on March 26, causing damage to many of the country’s economic sectors.

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