Home » today » News » Se-Hoon Oh’s entry slip “Need a seasoned mayor” Gyeong-won Na “Why run?” Chul-Soo Ahn “Competition in good faith”

Se-Hoon Oh’s entry slip “Need a seasoned mayor” Gyeong-won Na “Why run?” Chul-Soo Ahn “Competition in good faith”

Former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, a member of the People’s Power, is declaring a run for the Seoul Mayor by-election in the Dream Forest in Buk Seoul, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 17th. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

– Former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon threw a vote for the by-election of Seoul Mayor on the 17th. It has been 10 years since he took the post of Seoul Mayor in 2011.

Power of the People With 10 Mayor of Seoul Candidate
21st deadline, Ahn Chul-soo and unified watershed

– Mayor Oh said, “If Seoul stops, Korea will stop,” by declaring a run for the’North Seoul Dream Forest’ in Bun-dong, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, which was created when he was in office. He said, “We will win the election of the mayor of Seoul and fulfill our call for regime change in 2022.” He emphasized the administrative experience of the’re-elect Seoul Mayor’ as his strength. “The elected mayor has less than a year to work. “We need a seasoned mayor to lead the city administration the day after the election.”

Former mayor Oh apologized for resigning from the mayor ten years ago, saying, “I owe a lot to the citizens and the party.” During his tenure as the mayor of Seoul, he opposed the Seoul Metropolitan Assembly’s’Eco-friendly Free Meal Ordinance’ in 2011, and resigned when the voter voted 25.7%, which was less than the counting requirement (33.3%). Mayor Oh also apologized for his recently controversial’conditional release sheet’. He heard a bitter voice from Kim Jong-in, chairman of the National Forces Emergency Response Committee on the 7th, after announcing that Ahn Cheol-soo, president of the National Assembly Party, would run if the party or party fails. Mayor Oh said, “I apologize for failing to fully understand the will of my fellow party members and those who wish to run for me.”

Oh, when I was running for mayor, former lawmaker Na Kyung-won of the same party said, “I am not sure why and how you declared the run.” It means that he pinpointed the conditional release of the former mayor and the resignation of the mayor ten years ago. CEO Ahn Cheol-soo said, “A colleague who helps lay the foundation for winning the opposition through goodwill competition.”

Oh, with the declaration to run for mayor, the number of candidates for the Mayor of the People’s Power of Seoul increased to 10. In addition to former Congressman Na, who declared running last week, former lawmakers Kim Seon-dong, Oh Shin-hwan, Lee Jong-gu, and Lee Hye-hoon, Cho Eun-hee, Seocho-gu office chief, Kyungnam University professor Kim Geun-sik, former Songpa-gu Officer Park Chun-hee, and former Shanghai Consul General Kim Jeong-ki threw out votes. Outside the party, CEO Ahn and former Democratic Party lawmaker Geum Tae-seop have expressed their will to challenge.

The political circles are expected to attempt to unify the opposition candidates. The problem is timing. In the power of the people, the 21st, the deadline for registration of candidates for the contest, is judged as the first watershed for unification. A nomination committee member of the People’s Power said, “If Representative Ahn does not complete the entry and registration of candidates for the contest by the 21st, the possibility of unification before March will virtually disappear.” Representative Ahn’s side is sticking to the position that it is difficult to join the power of the people or to be worthy of the party.

Reporter Kijeong Kim [email protected]

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