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Scurati’s monologue on April 25th: the text censored by Rai

Giacomo Matteotti he was murdered by fascist assassins on 10 June 1924.

Antonio Scurati, Meloni attacks the writer after the RAI censorship of the monologue on April 25th: “A question of money, no veto”. Serena Bortone reads the text on TV

by Giovanna Vitale

Five of them waited for him outside his house, all members of the squad who had come from Milan, professionals of violence hired by his closest collaborators. Benito Mussolini. The Honorable Matteotti, the secretary of the Socialist Unitarian Party, the last person in Parliament who still openly opposed the fascist dictatorship, was kidnapped in the center of Rome, in broad daylight, in broad daylight. He fought to the end, as he had fought all his life. They stabbed him to death, then disfigured his body. They folded him on himself so he could stick him into a hole dug badly with a blacksmith’s file.

Circus Maximus

Massimo Giannini: “Poor Matteotti and poor us”

by Massimo Giannini

Mussolini was immediately informed. In addition to her crime, he was guilty of the infamy of swearing to the widow that she would do everything possible to bring her husband back to her. While he was sworn in, the fascist Duce kept the victim’s bloody documents in his desk drawer.

Darkened after Saviano and Peppa Pig, all the censorships of TeleMeloni

by Stefano Baldolini

In this false spring of ours, however, we are not only commemorating Matteotti’s political murder; they are also commemorated Nazi-fascist massacres perpetrated by the German SS, with the complicity and collaboration of Italian fascistsin 1944.

Fosse Ardeatine, Sant’Anna di Stazzema, Marzabotto. These are just some of the places where Mussolini’s demonic allies massacred thousands of defenseless Italian civilians in cold blood. Among them hundreds of children and even infants. Many were even burned alive, some beheaded.

Rai censorship for Scurati on April 25th, the political reactions. Joy to intellectuals: “Just keep quiet to live peacefully”

by Giovanna Vitale

These two concomitant mournful anniversaries – spring of ’24, spring of ’44 – proclaim that fascism has been throughout its entire historical existence – not only at the end or occasionally – an irredeemable phenomenon of systematic political violence, murder and massacre. Will the heirs of that story recognize him once and for all?

Unfortunately, everything suggests that this will not be the case. The post-fascist ruling group, having won the elections in October 2022, had two paths before it: repudiate its neo-fascist past or try to rewrite history. You have undoubtedly taken the second path.

After having avoided the topic during the electoral campaign, the Prime Minister, when forced to address it by historical anniversaries, obstinately stuck to the ideological line of her neo-fascist culture of origin: she distanced herself from the indefensible brutalities perpetrated by the regime (the persecution of the Jews) without ever repudiating the fascist experience as a whole, he blamed the massacres carried out with the complicity of the Republican fascists on the Nazis alone, and finally he ignored the fundamental role of the Resistance in the Italian rebirth (to the point of never mentioning the word “anti-fascism” on the occasion of 25 April 2023).

Meloni government: news and insights

As I speak to you, we are once again on the eve of the anniversary of the Liberation from Nazi-fascism. The word that the Prime Minister refused to pronounce will still throb on the grateful lips of all sincere democrats, be they left, center or right. Until that word – anti-fascism – is pronounced by those who govern us, the specter of fascism will continue to haunt the house of Italian democracy.

Antonio Scurati: “The ghost of fascism threatens democracy”

by Antonio Scurati

#Scuratis #monologue #April #25th #text #censored #Rai
– 2024-04-29 02:01:58

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