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Scrolling on your phone: an illusion of entertainment


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Smartphones are ubiquitous in our daily lives, but their excessive use could have unexpected effects on our well-being.

A recent study reveals that scroller on your phone can increase boredom and dissatisfaction. Contrary to what one might think, scrolling through social media content does not provide the entertainment expected. On the contrary, this practice contributes to a decrease in personal satisfaction and attention.

The researchers found that the action of scroller Aimless use of the phone creates a feeling of increased boredom. Users often hope to find entertaining content, but the effect is often the opposite. This repetitive and passive activity does not stimulate the mind enough, which can lead to feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction.

The study highlights a paradox: although smartphones are designed to entertain, their excessive use can have the opposite effect. Users find themselves trapped in a loop of seeking immediate gratification that does not materialize, thus reinforcing their boredom and frustration.

These results highlight the importance of being aware of our digital consumption. By limiting the time spent scroller and by seeking out more engaging activities, it is possible to reduce these negative feelings and improve our overall well-being.

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