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Screen Actors Guild Threatened Delisting Trump Issues Open Letter Angrily Withdraws | Hollywood | Epoch Times

[Epoch Times February 05, 2021](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Lin Yan) Former US President DonaldTrump(Trump, Donald Trump) issued a statement on Thursday (February 4)HollywoodActors’ unionAn open letter in response to the threat of delisting-I helped you make money, but you didn’t do anything for me! “Who cares” want this false name!

After the violence in the Capitol on January 6,TrumpWas collectively banned by mainstream media and high-tech companies, evenActors’ union——American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (Screen Actors Guild — American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, SAG-AFTRA) is also preparing to discuss the expulsion of Trump. Trump issued an open letter on Thursday, directly declaring that he doesn’t care at all. This false name.

Trump’s open letter on Thursday was very short. The first sentence that came up was “who cares” the latest action of the union-to revoke Trump’s membership and prepare for the so-called disciplinary committee hearing. Trump also stated that the union’s move was “an attempt to gain media attention and thereby cover up the union’s tragic operating record.”

He questioned that the union did nothing to its members, nor did it do anything for him—except for collecting dues and advocating dangerous non-US policies and propositions. Trump also ridiculed that the massive unemployment rate of the actors’ union and the lawsuits of famous actors have pointed out these practical problems. For example, the actor who is in litigation against the union asked: “Why don’t the union fight for me?”

“It is true that this is a policy failure. But your failure to discipline is even more shocking. I no longer wish to have contact with your union. Therefore, this letter is to inform you that I will withdraw from the Screen Actors Union immediately. (Because) you Did not do anything for me,” Trump wrote.

Trump has been a member of the Screen Actors Guild since 1989. In his letter, he listed many films and shows he has participated in before, such as: “Home Alone 2”, “Supermodel” and “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” and other movies and Including the reality show “The Apprentice”.

The following is the full translation of Trump’s open letter:

Ms. Carteris (Gabrielle Carteris, Chairman of the Screen Actors Guild):

I am writing to you today about the so-called disciplinary committee hearing, aimed at revoking my membership of the actors’ union. Who cares (this qualification)!

Although I am not familiar with your work, I am very proud of the movies I have acted in (such as “Home Alone 2”, “Supermodel Spy” and “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”). There are also TV shows, including “Fresh Princes and Wonders”, “Saturday Night Live”, and of course, one of the most successful shows in TV history, “The Apprentice”, to name a few!

I also greatly helped the cable news business (it is said that it was a dying platform before I set foot in politics), and created thousands of jobs in online companies such as MSDNC and fake news CNN.

What the union wanted to do to me was an attempt to gain media attention and thereby cover up the union’s tragic operating record. Your union did nothing to its members, nor did it for me—except for collecting dues and advocating dangerous non-US policies and propositions—this can be seen in your massive unemployment rate and well-known actors’ lawsuits. . The litigation actor asked in a recorded video: “Why don’t the union fight for me?”

Granted, these are policy failures, but your failure in discipline is even more shocking.

I no longer wish to be a member of your union.

Therefore, this letter is to inform you that I will immediately withdraw from the Screen Actors Guild. (Because) You didn’t do anything for me. “

In response to Trump’s open letter of withdrawal, Katris, chairman of the Screen Actors Guild, simply replied, “Thank you.”

Katris announced last month that the union will hold a disciplinary hearing on Trump’s actions. At the time, she said: “Trump attacked the most sacred values ​​of the union: democracy, truth, and respect for our fellow Americans of all races and beliefs, and The sanctity of freedom of the press. This is reflected in his wanton trampling of the truth to the attacks on journalists by his followers.”

The Screen Actors Guild represents approximately 160,000 actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, show hosts, recording artists, singers, stuntmen, voice-over artists, and other entertainment and media professionals.

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei#

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