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Scrapping quater 2022? Fiscal peace 2022. Latest news

The fiscal peace 2022 it is one of the most debated topics by the political majority. There are not a few amendments related to the bill of the Maneuver 2022 its one new Scrapping of tax bills. Unfortunately, what has been successful does not come close to needs of millions of taxpayers, now forfeited from the benefits of Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt.

At the moment, as for the tax bills the terms of payments, set at least for 2022, have been postponed, no longer in 60 days from the date of notification of the tax notice, but rather a 180 days.

One was expected Budget Law 2022 that contained at least one further payment extension for the installments of 2020 and 2021 relating to Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt, whose last payment deadline expired on December 14, 2021. We remind you that the original deadline was set in November 30, 2021, then briefly extended to December 9, 2021. By applying i five days of tolerance, rwe get the latest date of December 14.

Moreover, one wonders whether the establishment of the Draghi Government is part of the plans of the Draghi Government an ad hoc provision per one new fiscal Peace 2022 or, at least, the entrance of one Scrapping quater.

2022 fiscal peace, extension for scrapping folders? Announcements

The Italian government through the Relaunch decree, followed by Refreshments decree intervened by promoting an amnesty of tax bills, giving back to the benefit all who turned up lapsed from the facilitated definition for failure to pay the 2019 rate.

A measure that has allowed millions of taxpayers to be included in the concessions granted by the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt without having to deal with a risen debt comprensivo d’interests and penalties.

Subsequently, the amnesty of tax bills, which allowed taxpayers to see delete all slopes tax collectors belonging to historical period of 10 years. Finally, the date of December 9 for the total payment of all the installments of 2020 and 2021 of the Scrapping ter and balance and excerpt. In addition to the possibility of being able to pay the tax debts in installments.

In this period of time, not a few forces of the majority have come out in favor of one new fiscal Peace, followed by the introduction of the a Scrapping quater. Many have evoked a new provision of the tax bills that also included the taxpayers forfeited from the facilitated definition from 2019.

That said, on a careful look at the Budget Law 2022, there is no reference to the input of a new fiscal Peace, nor of the Scrapping quater, not a foothold for all those who are today lapsed from the benefits of the Scrapping ter and balance and excerpt.

Still, the Revenue Agency – Collection has a sizable swag of credits to be collected and, it is not certain that all are successful, especially considering the low purchasing power of families. This is why it is desirable that the Draghi Government introduce in a provision of scrapping of tax bills.

I have not paid the installments of the Scrapping ter, what do I do now?

There are many requests for help from millions of taxpayers who have failed to honor their tax debts. In particular, the reference falls on installments of 2020 and 2021 of the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt.

Many, they wonder, how they can fix it in order not to find themselves squashed interests and penalties. Many have paid in installments previous, but failed to pay the amount requested by the Draghi government in the deadline of December 14, 2021, that is, all of the swag of arrears of the facilitated definition and of the fiscal Peace.

A point of clarity is a must. All those who have not managed to pay the installments of the Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt are lapsed from the concession to which they had been admitted. This means that all the sums paid as installments are considered by the Revenue Agency – Collection as down payment on the debt entered in the role including interest and penalties.

In other words, after December 14, 2021 in the presence of an omitted payment of the tax collection debts, the Revenue Agency – Collection can initiate the execution procedure, or foreclosure of salaries and pensions, administrative detention, forced expropriation of properties and so on.

At the center, however, there is the pandemic that continues prejudice the economic conditions of taxpayers. This is why we expect, as in the past, an intervention by the Draghi Government which, through a specific decree, will allow a new Scrapping of tax bills.

We recommend watching the YouTube video of the Revenue Agency – Collection on how to pay the tax bills in installments.

When will the immediate regulatory provision on a new Scrapping of folders arrive?

It all depends on the combination of the choices put into action by the Draghi Government. For the time being, he has taken steps to renew it state of emergency, deferring it until spring, or until March 31, 2022. It is possible that in the next few weeks they will be issued other regulatory provisions immediate in conjunction with the entry into force of further restrictive measures.

The presence of a shortly is not excluded targeted intervention which allows the Revenue Agency – Collection to recover credits, without having to dig into the pockets of taxpayers.

Most likely, it will come shortly or, at least it is desirable that the Draghi Government will soon issue a new fiscal Peace measure, with a new one Scrapping of tax bills. To be clear, we await the entrance of the Scrapping quater as a rescue for all who turn up forfeited from the benefits of the facilitated definition and the tax Peace.

Above all it must be said that the Draghi government has well understood that the economic recovery for Italian families is slow in coming, indeed it risks being further undermined by the next increases in electricity and gas bills and not only. On the other hand, it has already inserted an extension in the payment of tax bills granting more time to pay tax debts enrolled in the role since 2022.

Tax bills: from 2022 more time to pay the debts registered in the register

From 2022, all notifications are reported must be regularized no later than 60 days from the date of notification, but after a time period of 180 days. In other words, all the tax bills notified in the time frame that goes from January to March 2022 can be paid within the month di September 2022, without risking any forced execution procedure.

Moreover, one wonders if after the changes made on the regularization of payment bills, they are not foreseen other much more significant interventions which include all those who result forfeited from the benefit of the facilitated definition.

Will there be a new tax amnesty in 2022?

Not many days have passed since extension of the state of emergency al March 31, 2022 and everything suggests that many immediate regulatory measures arrive in first quarter of the year. In particular, the extension of del Emergency income. (For more details we recommend that you read this article: “Emergency income online application in 2022? Here are the options “).

You don’t expect a blocking the collection activity, also because this provision was one of the measures triggered in the presence dthe strong criticalities recorded in the country, or for the lockouts due to the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Finally, the future projections willingly place the entry of one Scraping of folders accompanied by one new fiscal Peace. A provision that would allow all lapsed taxpayers to be able to to comply queuing up in new installments. At the same time, the Revenue Agency – Collection could easily dispose of inventory receivables still to be collected.

Accounting analyst, born in 1971.
Obtained the postgraduate diploma of Accounting Analyst, at theS. Rosa di Nola Professional Institute for Commerce, I have collaborated with various newspapers. I am currently a general information editor on pension, current affairs, taxation and employment issues. I have a pure bias on tax issues and I have chosen to help readers, with my words, to find a simple path in the complex labyrinth of legislation. The truth! I love to write, every news is worth telling, with heart, emotion and passion.

My motto is? “The value of a person lies in what he is capable of giving and not in what he is capable of taking”.

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